Newer yet pictures From VR-840      
he pictures below were taken from June 2006 thru April 2008.   

BELOW, {78000626} Chili-1  an A-10 from Barnes, Ma ANG .   June 6 2006 

BELOW  , an unknown P3 from Brunswick.  Not flying up VR-840, just passing over.     June 15 2006

BELOW:  Musket-1 {83001136}  F-16 from Burlington, Vt.   June 27 2006         

    Below:  Heat-1 ,  an A-10 from Bradley, Ct ANG  Aug 11 2006

Below: {78000638}  Again, a Heat flight from Bradley  Aug 14 2006                                                 
Below  Yankee-69 {165316} ,  a Marine KC-130 from VMGR-452, New York.

Below   REAPO-1 {84001212}, an F-16 from Burlington, Vt    Sept 14 2006 

Below , an A-10 from Bradley, Ct ANG  ,  Sept 26 2006

Below  Fig-1  an A-10 from Barnes, Ma ANG   Oct 4 2006

Below , Impact-1 {84001269}, an F-16 from Burlington, Vt ANG    Oct 5 2006

Below Musket-1, F-16 from Vt ANG Oct 6 2006

Below, Maple-1 {85001406} an F-16 from Vt ANG   Oct 19 2006

Below, Tonga-1 {83001136}  F-16 from Vt ANG  Dec 18 2006 

Below, Yankee 76, Marine  C-130 from NY   Dec 18 2006  Had to aim down to take this pic. Mountains in background.


Below, JAWS-1 {83001136} F-16 from Vt ANG  12 20 2006

Below, HEAT-1, an A-10, about a mile away, with mountains in background.

Atomic-1 , F-16 from Vt ANG    1/13/07

    Below:  A Lynx flight of Ma ANG F-15s  1/17/07

Below: {77000100}  Maddog , a Ma ANG F-15  1/23/07

Below,{?}{78000583}   Barney , a flight of 2 Ma ANG A-10s   2/9/07

Below, {?}{78000616}a Comet flight of Ma ANG A-10s  2/12/07

Below  a Maddog flight from Ma ANG, Otis   2/23/07


Below, {77000163}{77000097} Cajun and Lynx flights, Ma ANG  3/6/07

Below Pistol-1 ,  a Vt ANG F-16  3/9/07

Below, another Atomic flight, F-16 from Vt ANG  1/24/07

Below {85001406
} a Sniper flight of Vt ANG F-16s   3/23/07


Below  King-74,
HC130 from 106 Rescue Wing, NY ANG, Westhampton, Long Island, it has some unusual protrubrances on it's tail.

Above, another Sniper flight, F-16 from Vt ANG   6/8/07

Below:  Jumbo {84001220}, another  Vt ANG F-16    7/30/07

Below, Musket-1 Vt ANG F-16  7/31/07   {poor lighting from below, but close}

Below,  {164441} {165316}a YANKEE-76  flight of 2 Marine KC-130s from NY   8/9/07

Below, {78000586}   Killer-1  Ct ANG A-10 from Bradley...  9/25/07

Below, a Vt ANG JAWS flight, however the plane {84001374} is an Indianna ANG F-16 from 122nd FW, Ft Wayne, Ind.    10/2/07
Not sure if the Vt guys were flying the Ind planes or if the Ind guys were visiting too. Many of the Vt planes were away on other assignments at the time.  

Below  {84001269} Dagger-1 flight.  Vt ANG F-16   10/4/07

Below, {84001275} Tonga flight, Vt ANG   F-16   10/13/07

Below {84001220}  REAPO-1, Vt ANG F-16  1/24/08   {poor lighting}

Below, {78000520}{78000500}  a HAWK-1 flight of 2 Ma ANG F-15s, 1/31/08
This was at a period during which the transition from Otis AFB to Barnes was taking place, ie they were using a Barnes callsign, but these were Otis planes. Not sure if these are planes that eventually replaced the A-10s at Barnes or not.

Below, a Jaws flight of 2 Vt ANG F-16s, were flying east into area at 30,000'.  I heard them, went outside, and saw the vapor trails.  Took a closeup of one of the planes, then the planes decided to abort and head west.  Got a neat picture of the vapor trails crossing while doing the 180 deg turn.   1/31/08

Below {84001275}  Narley flight, Vt ANG F-16   3/6/08

Below, another pass by KING-74 , HC130 from 106 Rescue Wing, NY ANG, Westhampton, Long Island   4/9/08

Below,  4/16/08  KING-74 announced that it was coming up VR-840, then, SNIPER-1 also said it was coming up the route.  SNIPER-1 {84001384}  made it up first, a Vt F-16, then KING-74 came up.  Again,  KING-74 is an
HC130 from 106 Rescue Wing, NY ANG, Westhampton, Long Island, but it is strange {to me} that there are no markings on this plane.