Below are images of a collection of patches, medals, wings, captains bars, etc, etc, worn by Captain William E Jones jr.
Most have been identified, but some have not. The first grouping shown below contains several items that have been identified:


Upper left is the 8th AF insignia worn on the left shoulder.  Upper right is the "Hell's Angels" ( 303rd Bomb Group) insignia, including the 360th Bomb Squadron insignia (ie little guy riding the bomb).  Bottom right is the Army Air Forces insignia, which I think was worn on the right shoulder.  Left center, is the square insignia of the 2nd Air Force, which I think was the unit including the the air bases that were part of the heavy bombardment training units such as the 4-engine  B-17 transition unit in Sebring Florida and other similar bases.  Bottom left are cloth pilot's wings.  Bottom center is the insignia of the 3rd Air Force, which constituted the various training bases where the pilots trained in basic flying and instrument flying.

The second grouping of patches and pins:

At the top is some sort of Army Air Corps identification bracelet containing the Pilot's insignia, the pilot's name. Below that to the left is a small "US" worn above the lapel pin.  To the right of the "US" are a pair of pilot's wings, worn above the left shirt pocket.   Below the wings, are two lapel pins.  To the left of the lapel pins are two unidentified pins, and below that, to the left are a cloth pilot's wings, and an unidentified set of wings of unknown meaning.   The circlular patch in the lower right is the insignia of the "G H Q Air Force", which I beleive to be what the Army Air Forces were called prior to being called the Army Air Corps, however I am not positive about this.  Ie, I "think" that this patch was used in the early years of the war, ie 1941-1942, but I may be wrong on that.

   The third group on uniform items:

Top left is the "Air Medal" , which I beleive was awarded for flying 10 combat missions (although this seems to be different in different groups, and different times of the war).  At the top right, is a plastic coated ribbon, which contains two medals.  The left part of the ribbon has the same color pattern as the air medal, and is the version of the air medal actually worn on the uniform, above the left pocket, below the pilot's wings.  This ribbon has 2 oak leaf clusters, each of which represents additional awards of the same air medal, typically for additional 5 combat missions (this may vary also).  The right portion of the ribbon is a European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal . The star on the ribbon represents one of several specific campaigns participated in, but I am not sure which particular campaigns.  Below the long ribbon is another pilot's wings.  Below the wings are two ribbons, which I beleive are also versions of the air medal, which can be worn (or perhaps these were the subsequent awards that the oak leafs referred to?).  To the bottom left is a set of Captains bars.  To the bottom right is an RAF wing pin of unknown origin.