The mission narrative from the 360thBS microfilm records (poor quality on microfilm, so rather hard to read).

   It says:   "13A/C of this squadron, led by Lt Kuykendall and Major Packard, flew as lead squadron, "B" Group, 41st CBW, in an attack on tactical targets near Weisweller,  Germany.  The A/C took off between 06:05 and 06:45 hours.  Due to 10/10 low cloud at the base at the time of return, the A/C were diverted to and landed at Tillstock an Sleep. No A/C returned early.
The Squadron dropped a total of 390x250lb Frag. bombs on the primary target. The Squadron making it's second run after the G-H equipment went out, bombed off another group believed to be the 457th. Pictures indicate tha bombs hit approximately one mile over.  No E/A were seen.  A/A gunfire, meager to moderate and inaccurate, was observed from the target area. Fighter support was good."

                               42-97557 (VK-X)

                  St. Julien                    Butler
                42-97546 (PU-E)               44-8318 (PU-P)

           Duffield                                    Kallet
        #43-38532 (PU-G)                           43-38451 (PU-D)
     Arwood           Hardin                    App             Jones
43-38705 (PU-B)    43-38672 (PU-I)            42-31055 (PU-J)    44-6523 (PU-A)

                                                   42-102544 (PU-K)

                             43-38563 (PU-H)
                          Fink          Middlemas
                      44-6517 (PU-F)  44-6516 (PU-Q)

   AC#44-6523 (PU-A)
P     Jones, William E., Capt
CP    Juns, Frank, 1Lt
NAV   Papp, Melvin E., 2Lt
BOM   Puryear, James L., 1Lt
ENG   Bostick, George F., T/Sgt
RO    Lillis, Joseph D., T/Sgt
BT    Gilbert, James E., S/Sgt
TG    Carter, James O., S/Sgt
WG    Wotanis, Leo F., S/Sgt