October 23, 2007
Present: Selectmen Harris, Willey, and Jones, Clerk Gibbons, Administrative
Assistant DJ Curtis, Road Commissioner John Clifford, Road Contractor Rob Drew, guest Heather True, Project Manager, Cumberland Country Soil and Water Conservation District, and Wendy Garland, from the State Department of Environmental ProtectionMeeting was opened by Selectman Harris at 7 a.m. with the Pledge of
Allegiance.A presentation was made concerning three sites for improvement of ditching,
riff-raffing, and culverts totaling $28,000 to improve water quality of the Highland Lake District. The Site # 1 at Trull Brook Bridge is for $5,400. The town's share would be $810. Site # 3 close to Encore-Coda is deemed more in need of repair. Its cost is $14,600, the town share being $2,190.Site # 2 is near the intersection of Hardscrabble and Ridlonville Road near the gun shop. Ms. True said that the Portland Water District had pledged $1,600 and she hoped that she could negotiate an additional $1,200 from them to total $2,800. It was moved by Ted Harris that we use Trull Brook Bridge money for Site # 1 ($810) now. 3-0 approved. Money for the other two sites might come from transferring town money that was spent on FEMA projects back into the summer roads account. The town would only be billed after work was done and town would only need to pay its portion. Jim Willey moved to do site 2 and 3 totaling $3,390. Approved 3-0. Rob Drew said he would give a bid, but could not do the total job immediately. Their contractor (R.H. Perry) would do the work for estimates quoted. D.J. suggested that if the Portland Water district is not able to increase its grant, Site 2 will probably not be done. The transfer from FEMA might be put off until next fiscal year if work could not be done until next year. Rob Drew will look over estimates and contact Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District this week. Ms True will draw up a letter of agreement outlining what the responsibilities of all parties will be. She will send letter to Selectmen for their approval.Historical Society CD: $7,600. Decided not to reinvest in CD at this time.
Work on ceiling and/or roof is to be done when contractors submit bids.Minutes of the October 9 meeting were approved. 3-0.
Winter Roads: There was a question from Rob Drew concerning Greater Portland
Growth Council membership. We have not paid dues to Greater Portland Growth Council. Question concerned our price schedule. He has ordered 30 tons of salt from International Salt. Rob said the woman from the Greater Portland Growth Council said that we were all set to order salt. He did not know how much we were paying. Selectmen took no action. Keyes Pond Road not worked on. Summer Roads money is all expended.Budget Committee: Jean Bouchard, Rob Slattery, Warren Noble will serve. Ted
will talk to Lucky Clark.Knights Hill Road Compliance: Lawyer has changed some of the wording. Jewell
children need to sign papers.Insurance for Fire Department: DJ reported that insurance covers only when
Fire Department people are at fires or at training sessions. MMA insurance to cover everything else would be $54 per person. The Fire Department will have to insure their members for other activities. Was the Fire Department incorporated? Changing from an Association to a Town function would make things clearer, but has been resisted in the past by the Fire Department. Theyare not a part of the town and should not be using the town's tax exempt number. Ted Harris will call Wayne Miller to clarify the issue.Budget: DJ gave an update on town charges. Town charges might have $5-6,000
left at the end of the year. Jane will come up with a list of supplies,vacuum cleaner, mirror etc. She requested that cleaning services be employed. There is a discrepancy between income and charges in licenses and dog account. It is unclear where the fees from these accounts are going. Income is not near what we are paying out. Supplies need to be ordered from Staples before the end of the year. Paper, cartridges, recorder tapes. Bill Jones stated that MWAC will be sending us a refund.For the next year's budget DJ has projected a 3.5% increase in salaries and
for the Fire Department. The town charges of $81,765 are projected. Quotes are needed for the roofing of the Town Meeting House. There is no carry over on summer roads - $4,200 is projected.Community Giving Tree: Jessica Hart has asked that Sweden participate with
all the other towns in SAD 72 in a Community Giving Tree project. They supplya tree with names on it. Town's people take a name, buy and wrap the gift and return it to the town office. Jim moved that we allow this tree to be made available for Sweden. One abstained. 2-0.Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.