AUGUST 28, 2007
Present: Selectmen Harris, Willey, and Jones, Administrative Ass't. D.J.
Curtis, Clerk Jane GibbonsThe Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05 by Selectman
Harris. The minutes of the August 14, 2007 meeting were approved. 3-0.Financial issues: DJ Curtis outlined steps for working on next year's
budget. She will not be at the September 11th meeting. Approximately $150,000 in taxes has come in out of $Roads: The Trull Brook Bridge is essentially complete. Bills are still
coming in. The contractor had some overruns, but has not submitted an itemized list. His verbal estimate was $1000.00. Selectman Harris moved to accept a payment of $300 for gravel. Approved 3-0. $500 was to be paid after final inspection. Roads damaged by the Patriot™s Day storm are being repaired, paid for with the FEMA money. Tom Goodman had expressed concern about the blind driveway on the Chadbourne property on the Lovell Road. As that is a state road, they would need to post signs. Mr. Willey will follow up on this matter.Budget Committee: Only Jean Bouchard has responded to the request for
Budget Committee members. An item for next year's budget might be the Town Meeting House Roof which may be up to $25,000.Knights Hill Road Compliance Issue: Melissa Anthony did not show up for
the August 16 court appearance as she was in the hospital. The Judge ruled against the Jewitt children for back taxes:$155,000 and $5,000 legal fees and clean up of the property. The Jewitt children negotiated to grant the land to the Town of Sweden instead of paying the settlement costs. Maine Municipal Association will be called to include this property for Insurance purposes.Fire Station Status: There has been dissatisfaction about the progress of
the committee. They have been working on designs and the Selectmen were interested in knowing if funding sources and estimates had been researched. There was also a suggestion that three alternatives be presented to the voters.Vacations in September: Francis Flint will be on vacation September 16-22. The Town office will be closed. Notices have been posted in town for
several weeks and on web sites. No notice will be put in the Newspaper. Jane Gibbons will be on leave of absence September 16-29. Mr. Harris will be out of town Sept. 22 - Oct. 11th.Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Day will be October 19th.
Polling Place: Mr. Jones said that he felt the office could be used for a
polling place. It would be crowded and booths would have to be moved in and out and accessibility equipment would need to be stored elsewhere as well. Estimates are needed to pave either a portion of the lot beside the Town Meeting House or the parking lot in front of the Town Office Building.Closure of the Town Meeting Hall during the winter months was discussed.
The Planning Board does not want to meet during clerk's hours on Thursday nights.Verizon had submitted application and $10.00 check for a pole location on
Berry Road. Approved 3-0.Tom Goodman had sent a letter to the Selectmen about access to the Brick
School House. His letter stated that a letter of August 16th from Bob Dunning stated that the Brick Schoolhouse is safe for Historical Society members to use. Mr. Goodman requested a letter from the Selectmen to verify the safety of the building. The Selectmen have not received Mr. Dunning's letter. Mr. Goodman's letter containing other requests for ceiling repairs, bats in the attic, and use of electricity for vacuuming is attached. No action was taken as Selectmen need to see how much money is left over from the CD.Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, clerk