Sweden Selectmen's Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2007
Present: Road Commissioner John Clifford, Chair Town Office Building Dedication Committee, Ron Kiesman, Selectmen Harris, Willey and Jones, Clerk Jane Gibbons.
Meeting was opened at 7:05 by Mr. Harris with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the July 24th meeting were approved: 3-0.
It was noted that page 11 of the Financial Report from the auditor was missing. It is hoped that DJ Curtis can correct this.
Unpaid Taxes: The unpaid tax bill dating from 1996 by Mr. Macomber has not been resolved. A check was lost and later found, but not deposited. The consensus is leaning toward abatement as the individual has moved from the community.
Roads – Two checks have come in from FEMA. John Clifford and Jim Willey will meet on Sunday to set up a timetable for work on the Patriot’s Day Storm restoration of roads. The total from FEMA was $68,350.62.
Keyes Pond Road – MMA said that the town could do minimal work because we have an interest in that road for access to the town beach. A load of gravel and cold patch will be applied. Mr. Harris was to contact Audrey Mack.
Commissioner Clifford stated that Ridlonville Road was his top priority for 2008 and that Plummer School Road might be redone in 2009. There had been concern expressed by summer folks about the condition of Plummer School Road.
Work is progressing slowly on the Trull Brook Bridge. The contractor stated that it would be done within 2 weeks. After completion the state inspector will be called in to tell us what speed should be posted.
Mr. Kiesman (in charge of 911 addresses) said there had been a request from Linda Dutil to name a new road off of Berry Road as Lindon-Berry Lane. In accordance with 911 regulations concerning not having similar sounding names, the Selectmen voted to name the new road Lindon Lane. 3-0. The question was raised as to who was to pay for new road signs on new roads. It was suggested that homeowners should pay for signs for private roads.
There was general discussion about the Recognition of Contractors this Saturday. There will be 2 plaques for Mr. Valley – one for the town office building and one to give to him. Janet Mahannah is working on the corrected plaque listing volunteers, contractors, and Selectmen.
Court Date for Knights Hill Road situation is upcoming.
An application for fill for the fire station is in the process.
Mr. Willey will get the inventory to DJ Curtis before the 14th.
Mr. Jones reported that the Universal Waste can go to Planet Recycling in Gorham. This includes TVs and monitors which are accepted without cost. Florescent bulbs would have a minimal charge. Household Hazardous waste can go to ADCOG in Lewiston.
Polling place accessibility will be discussed by Mr. Harris and Willey after the dedication on Saturday, the 11th. A doorbell was suggested as a means to alert someone inside the building that someone needed assistance with the door.
The contract for Bob Dunning was found and Clerk Gibbons will phone him to let him know it is in the office.
Notice was received about the Oxford County Commissioners meeting Wednesday, Aug. 29th at 6 p.m. Mr. Harris will try to attend.
Mr. Kiesman questioned who receives the Maine Townsman and noted that it was important for the Selectmen to read it.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 by vote 3-0.
Jane Gibbons, clerk