Town of Sweden – July 24, 2007
Meeting was called to order by Selectman Harris. Pledge of Allegiance said. Present were Selectmen Harris, Willey, and Jones, Admin. Ass’t. DJ Curtis, Clerk Jane Gibbons, Annette and Jean Bouchard, Fire Chief Wayne Miller, Ron Kiesman, Bill Parmelee, Road Commissioner John Clifford
Minutes for meeting of July 10 were approved. Moved by Ted Harris. Voted 3-0
DJ Curtis reported that the accountant’s report had been submitted and she gave copies for the office, the Selectmen and the permanent record. She was to have 25 copies reproduced with the understanding that more would be produced if needed. DJ had given the S.A.D. 72 the necessary information about indebtedness and bonds so that they could apply for bonds.
Roads: Mr. Harris had had communication from Audrey Mack relative to the Town Beach Road, which is a private road. This road had been maintained by Mr. Mack with materials supplied by the town. The town beach access is on this road on Keyes Pond. It was thought that there are problems with the town repairing the road as it might be illegal for the town to work on private roads. It was understood that if the town did the work, it would have to be reimbursed by the owners of the private road. Jim Willey will check with MMA about this and the town’s responsibilities as the town beach is used by the public. We might need a vote of the town in this matter. Work is progressing on the Trull Brook Bridge. Summer Roads account bills this month are $15,400. There is $15,326 left.
FEMA grant money has not come in. John Clifford stated that he had not heard of other towns receiving their grant.
Recognition of Town Office Building Contractors – The date Saturday, August 11 at 10 a.m. has been suggested during Sweden Days before dedication of a tree in memory of Charlie and Evelyn Bennett by the Sweden Community Church and before a history walk where Dr. Richard Lyman will tell about development of town centers in Western Maine sponsored by the Historical Society. Ron Kiesman showed samples of plaques designed by Janet Mahannah. Additional names were suggested to be on the plaque. Ted Harris moved to have the Recognition at 10 a.m. on August 11. Voted 3-0.
Knights Hill Road Status – A Court Date of August 16 at 9:30 a.m. has been set.
Fire Station Status – The Vice President of Hancock Lumber had been to their last meeting. An engineering site plan and footprint of the building are needed. There was question about one of the property lines. Mr. Bouchard stated that you did not need plans before applying for grants. Ron Kiesman had made a profile of the lot. There was discussion about fill needed and whether the town should invest in the moving of loam and fill before the town voted to build the station.
Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Day – A date of October 10th with drop off at the salt shed was set. Jim Willey will talk to Lovell and Bill Jones will talk to Oxford County Regional Solid waste about using their facilities.
Mr. Parmelee noted that someone had dumped air conditioners, computers, and refrigerators on a tote road off of Webber Pond Road
Polling Place Accessibility – The Selectmen will look at the facility on August 11.
Other Business - A Mr. Stevenson, an abutter to property R 08/34, had contacted the town about purchasing that lot. The town had put it up for sale several years ago and the high bidder had withdrawn their bid. Mr. Stevenson had not submitted a bid at that time, but is interested now. Mr. Harris was reluctant to go through the expense of lawyers and an auction and doubted that a land-locked lot would bring in enough money to make it worth the effort.
Oil Contract – A bid of $2.389 has been submitted by CN Brown, price guaranteed for a year. Ted Harris moved to lock in the price at $2.389 per gallon. Voted 3-0.
Meeting adjourned by vote 3-0.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk