Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine

January 5, 2010

Present: Selectmen Alberta Ridlon, William Jones, John P. Smith, Treasurer/Tax Collector/Administrative Ass't. Diana J. Curtis, Clerk/Registrar of Voters Jane Gibbons Pledge of Allegiance was offered at 6:08 p.m.

Roads: Engine heaters are on a timer Rob Drew stated. John P. Smith submitted a draft concerning bids on road contracts. John had consulted with Jean Bouchard and will consult with John Clifford before the document is finalized. A new state Road Manual has been ordered by John Smith. The bonding of the Hardscrabble road will not appear on the Annual meeting agenda as the bids are too different. When specifications are the same, the bidders will be asked to replace their bids.

The majority of the meeting dealt with the warrant for the town meeting. Attached.

Other: John P. Smith moved that we buy a copy of the Quick Books with subscription for payroll taxes to have at the office. Voted

DJ reported that the School House, but not the Black Smith shop is included in the MMA insurance policy. A letter will be written to Richard Lyman of the Historical Society. The question concerning the safety of the School House was discussed. Although Bob Dunning had inspected it, a new structural analysis is needed. Mr. Smith said he would contact Louis Bruno who is a retired engineer. Mrs. Ridlon was to seek information about the engineer who appraised the opera house in Norway.

The credit card needs to be reissued as it was in Frances Flint's name. A copy of the death certificate was provided.

DJ reported that the accountant said that an article needed to be in the warrant concerning the Planning Board article.

A letter is needed addressed to the Harrison Post Office concerning Louise Willey's address on Hapgood Road.

The Lovell Hardware account is closed so that the town can keep track of charges there.

Minutes of December 22nd were approved with addition of names of persons present.

It was decided to dedicate the annual report to Frances Flint. Jane Gibbons is to collect stories to write a dedication.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk