Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME
December 22, 2009
Present were Warren Noble, C. Wayne Miller, John Clifford, DJ Curtis, John P. Smith, William Jones and Alberta Ridlon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said at 6:00 p.m.
Warrant #24 was presented to Selectmen. Selectmen reviewed and approved Warrant
Fire Department - C. Wayne Miller gave an explanation regarding how FEMA and Bond Issues work. HMGP, Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program, is for eliminating problems that occur on a repeating basis, (ie. Washouts from year to year, road rip rap, culverts, etc.) The Town must match 25% of the funds needed. Wayne gave the Selectmen information on grant proposals application.
Warren Noble said the fire department is trying to keep up with the snow shoveling around the town buildings.
Warren also spoke about General Assistance, reporting on blankets, heaters and smoke detectors that have been given out.
Warren gave the Selectmen a copy of the bill of sale for the new fire truck from Woodstock. The vehicle is parked until spring for further discussion.
Roads - Warren mentioned to the Selectmen the need to keep the storage tank plowed out in the Woodbury Hills subdivision.
Finances - The Selectmen reviewed the Annual Warrant and the budget for 2010.
Other - The Selectmen approved putting Jane Gibbons as a signor on the town's checking account.
The minutes of Dec. 8, 2009 were approved
The mail was opened and the meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.
Diana J Curtis Administrative Assistant to Board of Selectmen