Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME
November 10, 2009
Present were Annette Bouchard, Terri and Robert Johnson, Autumn and Naomi Johnson, Heather Hoover, Warren Noble, John Clifford, Sandy Field, DJ Curtis, Robert Drew, Jane Gibbons, and Selectpersons Alberta Ridlon, William Jones and John .P. Smith. The meeting was opened at 6 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fire Department: Mrs. Ridlon asked the Fire Association if they could help with the $2000. shortfall of Fire Department funds. She stated that the Selectmen were not authorized to spend more than the proposed budget for 2009. Ms Field as President of the Association said that according to their by-laws there might be a possibility that they could help with some of the equipment items. The Association would meet to make a decision. The Fire Department will meet Nov. 19th (instead of on Thanksgiving). Mr. Smith asked if the December training might be skipped. Currently the trainer is not reimbursed. Firefighters take advantage of free training sessions. Mr. Noble emphasized that it was state and federal rules with which the fire department has to comply. Mrs. Ridlon asked about access to the Fire Station for Emergency Management Director Wayne Miller. Mr. Miller has told Mrs. Ridlon that he does not expect to step down as EMA Director at the end of the year. The Baldwin Fire Department response included an inventory. The agreement is for major catastrophes, not routine fire calls. It was reiterated that the Fire Department budget needs to be submitted. It is to be emailed to DJ Curtis by Monday the 12th.
Roads: Mr. Drew is working on Black Mountain Road ditches and a wash out on Fern Drive. Sand was put in. Fern Drive and Haskell Hill Road will be graded. Mr. Smith will contact Jean Bouchard about engineering, excavation needs, and specifications. A grinding and paving bid was received from Pike for Hardscrabble Road. Excavation, ditching and culvert prices are needed. A price is needed for the 2nd layer on Ridlonville Road. The State is not replacing culverts on driveways on State Roads. It will be up to the church to purchase a culvert for the driveway below the church used by the Food Pantry. Rob Drew volunteered to do the work.
Finances: The budget for 2010 was discussed. Monthly charges for internet access were included. Mr. Jones estimated that it would cost about $400 for installation which can be taken from Building Maintenance in 2009. It is estimated that 57% of the town budget goes for summer and winter roads. If the town was able to get any of the mitigation grants for road work, the town's share would be 25%. Mr. Smith asked for clarification about what the $70,000 for summer roads would go for.
Rubbish: Jim Willey came in to announce that trash left at the Lowell transfer station when it was closed would be delivered back to the owner. Mrs. Ridlon told about letters written to Sweden residents who have been leaving trash at inappropriate times. She will send a copy of the letters to the Lovell Transfer station. Wallace Allen will be reminded that commercial trash is not accepted. Mr. Jones will call him.
Other: Phil Allen of Chalmers Insurance asked if he would give a bid for insurance as he believes his bid would be competitive with MMA. He also wants make a competitive bid on Maine Employers Municipal Insurance Corporation (MEMIC) workman's compensation insurance. Mr. Smith moved to allow bids concerning insurance. Passed.
Ms Gibbons announced that she would be out of town Dec. 18 to 25th and January 31- February 7th.
The minutes of the October 26th meeting were approved with corrections. The minutes of the Nov. 3 meeting were approved.
Jane Gibbon, Clerk