Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME
September 8, 2009
Present were DJ Curtis, James Willey, William Jones, Albert Ridlon, Rob Drew, David Johnson and Jane Gibbons. The meeting was opened at 6 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. The warrant was signed
Property Transfer: Ryan Fran, the high bidder, submitted the check for the 1132 Knights Hill Road property. The deed was signed by the selectmen and notarized.
There was nothing new to report from the Fire Department.
Roads: Mr. Drew spoke about drag shimming Plummer School Road in an effort to eliminate some of the problem with the road cracking open. He could not give an estimate, but thought that with labor and materials it might be in the neighborhood of $5,000. Mr. Willey moved that Plummer School Road be drag shimmed from the corner down to the bottom of the hill. Voted (3-0). New culverts are needed at the corner of Plummer School Road and Ledge Hill Road.
DJ/Finances: Mrs. Curtis projected that there is approximately $32,000 in the summer roads account. It is hoped that there is enough money in the winter road account to pay for salt. The town charges account has no extra money and we will just squeak through. DJ had discussed the credit card situation with the bank manage. A credit application will need to be filled out. The installation for Hughesnet may run $500 which can be taken from the Town Office Building account. Monthly fees of $60 will come from town charges. DJ has attempted to contact Ed Ryan for the special town meeting Oct. 3rd. If she does not hear from him, she will contact Mr. Millet.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that there are still openings on the planning board for one full time member and 1 alternate. The newspaper announcement about the special town meeting will include the open Selectman's position and any other positions that need to be filled. The winter road closures need to be posted in the newspaper.
The minutes of the September 1 meeting were corrected to read A letter to a property holder exonerating their credit due to late tax liens release was signed. The lien had not been released until 2009 when it should have been released in 2006. Minutes were approved with correction. Voted (3-0).
Shelving for the Vault room was discussed. Mr. Willey moved that 242 x 30 x 60 (product # 31397) be ordered along with additional new boxes. Shelves will be paid for from Town Office Building account.
Mr. Willey said that Robert Scott, a new resident, was interested in serving on some town committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Jane Gibbons, clerk