Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME
September 1, 2009
Present were John Clifford, Warren Noble, Alberta Ridlon, William Jones, James Willey, Jane Gibbons. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Roads - The winter roads contract will be signed at the end of the month. Mr. Willey moved that the following roads be closed to winter traffic: Marr Road from the Jones' residence to Hardscrabble Road, Fern Drive from Brad Dunlap's to the Lovell line, Bennett Road, and Trull Brook Road from Buker Road to Route 93 (Bridgton Road), Voted (3- 0).
Report from DJ Curtis: Newspaper notices will be sent for the Oct. 3 special town meeting to elect a new Selectperson. She has not checked on the credit card question. Another MMA lawyer has informed her that the Selectmen cannot supervise the elected Treasurer and tell her how she is supposed to do her duties. Discussion followed. The voters could rewrite the job description to include computerization. The voters could have a petition to recall the treasurer for dereliction of duty.
Fire Department: Mr. Noble gave the Selectpersons copies of ordinances from Belgrade, South Thomaston and Denmark. Mr. Noble said he would try to clarify the issue of minimum wage with the Department of Labor. Mr. Noble has discussed the idea of municipal standing with Association members who gave differing responses. Currently they are given a stipend from the time they are called until the call ends. A new fire ordinance would have to be voted on at the town's annual meeting. Mrs. Ridlon asked about other towns making the transition to municipal standing.
Other - A tax abatement was signed for a party whose lien had not been released until 2009 when it should have been released in 2006. There was no information about the price on shelving for the vault room. Ms. Gibbons is to request that Mrs. Flint leave the catalogue information in the office for the Selectmen to see. There was also concern that the receipt book ought to be in the office so that when Ms. Gibbons receives money for taxes or Vital Statistics or other licenses, she can give a receipt to the person giving her money.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:03.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk