Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME

August 4, 2009

Present: Ron Sislane, Crystal Libby Virginia Durr, Bob and Terri Johnson, Heather Hoover, Warren Noble, Valerie Rumerno, John Clifford, Selectmen Jones and Ridlon, Clerk Gibbons (Absent Selectman Willey). The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6 p.m.

Town Property Bids: Mr. Sislane asked if sometimes the bidder might be more important than the bidder. The food pantry has hopes for a community garden and development of children's programs. Mr. Noble said that this was an opportunity for the good of the community. The food pantry helps to bring the community together. Ms. Ridlon pointed out that the difference in the bid between the high bid and the Sowing Seed for Life bid was $4250 and that as a non-profit the town would loose the annual taxes. Mrs. Johnson said that the food pantry is a non-profit under children and education status. Mr. Sislane asked if the decision could go to a town meeting. Mr. Jones pointed out a problem with tax lose and a mandate from those he represented to keep the taxes low. He felt it was not fair to the others who had bid to delay the decision. Mr. Jones moved to accept the bid of the highest bidder. The motion failed with no second. The action was postponed until all three Selectmen were present.

Fire Department Budget: Mr. Noble said that he thought the Fire Department could stay within its budget for the rest of the year unless there were an emergency. He will keep the Selectmen informed. He said that the secretary had not filed the paper work for the corporation at the right time. The State had given them a 30 day time period and that the papers would be in certified mail tomorrow. The certification would last until April, 2010. Fire Chief Noble also wanted the Selectmen to have authority over the Fire Department, making the Fire Department municipal. He wanted the Association to be exclusively as fund raising organization, not making Fire Department decisions. If the Department were municipal the insurance through MMA would be at a lower rate. They could get workman™s comp through MMA. The Fire Chief will report the pros and cons of changing to a Municipal Fire Department for the town of Sweden. Mr. Noble pointed out that all Emergency Management correspondence should go to Mr. Miller.

Roads: Grading has been done on Trull Brook Road. Back hoe work has been done. Portions of Marr road have been graded. Mr. Drew will check on hole at the end of Plummer School Road. Black Mtn. Road had to be graded. Dirt was left at the side of the road and water did not drain into the ditch. It was emphasized that shoulder and ditches properly done would save on road wash out.

Other: The Town Hall Utility room door key does not work. Mr. Noble was given authority to make a new one.

Minutes: Mrs. Johnson pointed out that the Sowing Seeds for Life funds for purchase of the property were private funds. Grants can be sought for other projects. The minutes of the July 28th meeting were approved with this correction. Ms Gibbons pointed out that DJ had a correction to the July 7th minutes. She had stated that there was $195,000 left in surplus. Mr. Jones moved that the correction be made. Voted (2-0).

Bond Reissue: A document from MMA was signed. They want to reissue the MWAC Bond at a lower rate. We might get back $6,000.

Fire Chief Election: Mr. Noble pointed out that the Selectmen need to approve the vote of the Association that he is Fire Chief. Mr. Jones moved that the Selectmen affirm that Warren Noble is Fire Chief. Voted (2-0).

Ms. Ridlon moved that the mail be opened and the meeting adjourned at 7:28. (2-0)

Jane Gibbons, Clerk