Minutes Board of Selectpersons of Sweden, ME
July 14, 2009
Present were Jean Bouchard, James Willey, William Jones, Alberta Ridlon, Frances Flint and Jane Gibbons
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:03 p.m. The warrant was signed.
Assessor's valuation sheets need to be filled out before tax letters can be sent out.
Roads: Mr. Drew will patch Hardscrabble Road. A big culvert will be replaced on Hardscrabble Road and this will be done in September after tax money starts coming in. DJ Curtis is checking on a bond issue for roads. The Ridlonville Road is being curbed. Logging trucks have been using the west side of Trull Brook Road. It was decided that repair of that road should be put off until the logging trucks are finished.
Garbage: The question has come up as to whether Lovell will accept loads of trash from Sweden residents who pay someone to take the trash to Lovell. Mr. Willey suggested that they call Lovell to clear it with them.
Mr. Willey moved to accept the July 7 minutes. Voted 3-0.
Ms Gibbons reported that she had taken the state computers home at the suggestion of the tech support person in Augusta. She had been scanning all the voter cards that were not scanned in 2005. She has been asking some people to make out new cards because they were done on magenta colored cards and the state scanner cannot pick up the information needed. Some cards lacked a current signature. She had to take home the computer, monitor, keyboard and scanner to use a higher speed internet service. She stated that she has spent approximately 12 hours on this project outside office hours.
The mail was opened and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk