Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine
June 23, 2009
Present were Ron Sislane, Ken Forde, Jean Bouchard, Annette Bouchard, DJ Curtis, Heather Hoover, Warren Noble, James Willey, William Jones, Alberta Ridlon, Jane Gibbons. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:59 p.m.
Tax Liens: Mrs. Ridlon says she has researched liens back to 2002. Twenty-eight discharges were done on May 28. Mrs. Flint is working on 9 more. She has finished filing the liens for 2008 as of today. A management letter from the Auditor came in today commenting on the 2008 audit. Mr. Noble requested a copy of the letter. The tax advisory committee has contacted the Bureau of Audits to seek advice. Mr. Jones referred to the communication with MMA saying that the Tax Collector was independent of the Selectmen and unless there was suspicion of wrong doing they could do nothing to direct the Tax Collector's work. The Selectmen doubt that there was intension of wrong doing. The discussion moved to how the town could help the Tax Collector lighten her load. Mr. Willey said that on July 7th someone would be showing a computer program that could streamline her work. DJ Curtis suggested that if the Tax Collector could streamline her work, she could get more done.
DJ Curtis had a letter to the accountant that needed the Selectmen's signatures. The line of credit was completed last Friday for $100,000.
The Contract with the Town of Lovell for use of their dump was discussed. They want $10,000 up front now plus $17,500 for the year ahead. Mr. Willey would try to negotiate the payment schedule so that the Town of Sweden would pay $18,750 now and the remaining $8,750 in September after our tax payments start coming in. Mr. Willey had a 30 notice letter to send to Mr. Adamson. It is hoped that he would continue collections for another 30 days so that the notice to the property owners about the change in rubbish collection could be sent out with the taxes.
Roads: Pot holes were filled on Plummer School Road. Work is being done on Ridlonville Road.
Mr. Noble gave notice that he would not be able to continue doing the work of Overseer of the Poor after the end of July. He has found it helpful to refer people to the Sweden Community Emergency Fund.
Mr. Noble stated that another article would hopefully be in the Bridgton News giving recognition to the people who helped install the memorial bench and flags. It was unfortunate that the picture which appeared in the Bridgton News did not show any of the veterans present, only onlookers looking at the bench.
Mrs. Ridlon reported that the Sweden Community Emergency Fund would like to post lists of volunteer needs and offers of volunteer assistance.These lists would be posted at the Town office and in the Town hall. Permission was granted. Mrs. Bouchard asked about the Webber Pond Road street sign which has been missing for several months. Mr. Willey will check on this. Mrs. Ridlon said Ridlonville Road sign has been missing also.
Minutes of the June 2 and June 9 meeting were approved.
An order for supplies needs to be placed with Bards.
Ms Gibbons asked what progress has been made in the application for funds for building a Fire Station. Mr. Noble said that one more certificate was needed for one of the Selectmen who has completed the course, but not been sent a certificate. When all the certificates are in, then an application can be filed. It must be filed very soon.
Mail was opened and the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk