Minutes Board of Selectpersons
Sweden, Maine
June 2, 2009
The meeting was opened by Mr. Willey with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were John Clifford, Jean Bouchard, Warren Noble, Jane Gibbons, James Willey, William Jones, Alberta Ridlon.
Town Property: Mr. Jones worked on the wording for the newspaper advertisements after consultation with Maine Municipal Association lawyer. The larger property would be sold as is with the new owner being responsible for back taxes and for the trailer and clean-up.
Town Meeting House Rental: The Rozzie May Animal Alliance and the Food Pantry have requested use of the Town Meeting Hall for a second spay- neuter clinic June 24th. As they left the hall in clean condition they will be granted use again this time the selectmen would prefer that the Selectmen be contacted before another is scheduled. Ms Gibbons requested the use of the building on the first Wednesday in August for the Keyes Pond Environmental Protection Association annual pot luck and meeting. Permission was granted as they have used the facility many years now.
Tax Liens: Mrs. Ridlon took the list that the committee had compiled and worked on researching all properties listed. She stated that there are still a lot of discharges to do. Some quit claim deeds had been processed. Discharges can be done if they are done in the first 18 months after the lien is placed. Mrs. Ridlon said she had more to do. Mr. Bouchard emphasized that he thought the selectmen had the responsibility of overseeing the tax collector. Mr. Jones stated that MMA had advised that as an elected person, Mrs. Flint is not subject to Selectmen's oversight. Nevertheless the tax committee has requested that they be allowed to see Mrs. Flint's record books.
Roads: Mr. Willey has estimates on the cost of fixing Plummer School Road = $189,397.50 and Hardscrabble Road = $324,310 for a total of $513,707. No action was taken on seeking bonding. Mr. Bouchard suggested that roads would last a lot longer if they were crack sealed. He suggested setting up a fund of $20,000 per year for crack sealing all the roads. It was pointed out that our roads are in such bad shape at this time that crack sealing wouldn't do any good. Hopefully when roads are improved crack sealing can be done annually before winter. In discussion of the winter roads contract it has been established practice that salting and sanding is done separately from plowing .Mr. Clifford stated that he is called every time before salt and sanding is done.
Rubbish: Mr. Willey corrected dates on Lovell™s endorsement of Sweden™s participation in their rubbish and recycling program. A hearing was to be held June 2 and a Town meeting is to be held June 9th. The Selectmen expressed interest in attending the Lovell Town meeting which is at the same time as our Selectmen™s meeting.
Assessors “ John O'Donnell will be attending the Selectmen's meeting on June 9 to discuss his contract. He has expressed concern that too many people are calling his office and that his fees have not risen in years. There was also discussion of the need for more clear information on property ownership on lots that have been combined.
Memorial Bench: Warren Noble reported that he had transported the bench to Sweden. On Friday, June 5th starting at 9 a.m. flags will be set on CMP poles. They will be installed from Memorial Day to Veterans Day.
Minutes: Minutes of the May 12 and 26 meetings were approved as written.
Mail was opened and the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk