Minutes Board of Selectpersons
Sweden, Maine
May 26, 2009
Present were Selectmen Willey, Jones and Ridlon, Administrative Assistant DJ Curtis, Road Commissioner John Clifford, Tax Committee Jean Bouchard and Ken Forde, Fire Chief Noble, Citizens Carroll Murphy, Annette Bouchard, Dana Nason, Tax Collector Frances Flint, Clerk Jane Gibbons. The meeting was opened by William Jones with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Tax Liens: Mr. Forde asked Mrs. Flint about discharges. Mrs. Flint said she did not do any discharges because she had sent out 38 30-day notice letters on May 18th. Mr. Forde said that the discharge of liens was the next thing that needed to be completed. Foreclosures for 2007 are due by February, 2010. No liens were done for 2006 so we cannot process foreclosures for that year. Mrs. Flint sends reminders of old taxes. Mr. Forde asked the Selectmen if the Tax Advisory Committee had done what the Selectmen asked. Mr. Nason expressed concern that the Tax Advisory Committee was not helping and felt that they were a hindrance. Mr. Bouchard said that they had been asked to identify problems and help Mrs. Flint. Mr. Noble explained that the committee was formed to advise the Selectmen on liens and the procedure to correct mistakes in bringing liens and discharges up to date. Mr. Jones stated that the committee had done a good job in identifying issues. Mrs. Ridlon stated that there were legal issues when liens are not discharged properly. The sooner we get caught up the better. Mrs. Flint reported on what she had done and the time spent.
Management letters from Chandler Associates, town Accountant, regarding the audit for 2005, 2006 and 2007 were distributed by Mrs. Ridlon. Mr. Forde requested that the letters be read and discussed.
Mrs. Curtis stated that it was time to seek a Line of Credit. Last year it had been $100,000 from the Norway Bank at a cost of $800. Mr. Willey moved that we set up a line of credit for $100.000 through Norway Savings. Voted 3-0. Mrs. Curtis will negotiate with the bank to get the best interest possible. She distributed a packet for tax rate calculation. She asked the Selectmen to consider increasing the over-lay from $27,000 to $35,000 because we had dipped so heavily from Surplus in recent years. A tax rate of .0112 would represent a 7% increase. A tax rate of .01129 would be an increase of 7.6%. We still need data from the Assessors. The state's calculation of Sweden's valuation is based on figures from 2007. Mr. Jones received a general letter from the Department of Revenue about how tax rate is set, but there was no information about why Sweden's had risen so significantly. The question was raised as to whether setting the valuation rate at 100% affects our school district fees. The consensus was that it probably does not.
There was a charge from the lawyer Drummond. DJ will follow up on that.
Mr. Murphy stated that the State was phasing out tree growth reimbursements, revenue sharing and homestead compensation reimbursements. The impact to Sweden will be significant.
Rubbish: Mr. Willey said that the Selectmen of Lovell were receptive to Sweden using their dump facilities, but that the town would be voting on it some time after June 7th. Mr. Murphy stated that the state had previously said the town's two metal pickups were not sufficient. Mr. Jones said that the MMWAC rebate would continue to come back to Sweden based on history. The tipping fee is $29 a ton. Mr. Nason objected to the plan to use Lovell stating that there would be more litter and people would have to pay more to have a private person pick up their trash.
Roads: Mr. Willey gave out a proposed winter road contract. It will be discussed next week. Mr. Bouchard recommended that the bid be advertised in the Dodge Report as it would go out to contractors looking for work. Bids would need to be submitted by July 6 and opened on July 7. Mr. Clifford reported that ditch work and culverts had been installed on Ridlonville Road.
Newspaper ads need to advertise the sale of Town Owned properties in Sweden
Warren Noble presented a plan for installing a memorial bench outside the Town Meeting House. It weighs 1,100 lbs, measured 72 inches by 18 wide. It needs to have a 6 inch concert base with plastic and Styrofoam on top. He will do the labor and wanted to be reimbursed for supplies and transportation.
Mrs. Gibbons said she is making progress toward the application to become a Notary. The application form needs $50 and there will be materials such as a log book and stamp. These will be paid for by the town and she will offer Notary Service free to town residents.
Mrs. Gibbons reported that there had been 25 Sweden residents who voted at the School District election from 2 to 6 p.m. that day. Sweden voted 15 to 10 for the SAD # 72 Budget.
One of the toilets in the Town Meeting House has become dysfunctional. Mr. Jones and Mr. Willey will assess.
It was suggested that the information about recycling and change in rubbish policy be included in the tax bills.
Jane Gibbons and DJ Curtis