Minutes Board of Selectpersons

Sweden, Maine

April 28, 2009


Present: Wm. Jones, Alberta Ridlon, DJ Curtis, Jean Bouchard, John Clifford, Warren Noble, Jane Gibbons. Mr. Jones presided due to Mr. Willey's illness. The meeting was opened at 6:03 with the Pledge of Allegiance. The warrant was read and signed.

Tax Liens: Mrs. Ridlon has offered to help Mrs. Flint with the tax liens, but Mrs. Flint has not called her to set a time for them to work together.

DJ: Mrs. Curtis gave out a Financial report of the Fire Department. She stated that she would be at the first meeting in May and not the meeting on the second Tuesday.

Roads: Mr. Clifford reported that the corners had been swept and the road had been graded and raked. He is waiting to start work on Ridlonville Road. It was reported that there is significant trash on Waterford Road opposite the end of Hardscrabble Road.

Rubbish: Mr. Jones said that we were waiting to hear from Jim Willey concerning conversations with Lovell officials.

Other: Jean Bouchard voiced concern about the difficulty in tracing ownership of properties. He suspected that there were some that were not being taxed. Mr. John O'Donnell, Assessor's Agent, will be invited to attend a meeting concerning the difficulty of finding out who owns properties that have been combined with others.

Ms. Gibbons expressed concern of the state of files in the vault room. She requested shelves and boxes for filing. She has a booklet from the State which says which files need to be permanent and which can be disposed of after several years. Work needs to be done on going through boxes to put things in order and records made accessible. She stated that Julie McQueen had promised to bring in a key for the Planning Board Files which should be accessible to the public.

Minutes: In the April 14 minutes under Szabo liens it should state that research was done back to 1977. The minutes were approved with corrections. Mr. Jones said that he found the discharge of the lien at the Registry of Deeds.

Sale of Town owned property on Knights Hill Road was discussed as several people have approached Mr. Willey about purchasing the property.

A clean-up of the Cemeteries will take place on May 9th.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk