Minutes Board of Selectpersons
Sweden, Maine
April 14, 2009
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Alliance at 6 p.m.Present were the three Selectpersons: Willey, Jones and Ridlon, Admin. Assistant DJ Curtis, Fire Chief Noble, Road Commissioner Clifford, Tax Advisory Committee members Ron Sislane and Jean Bouchard, and Robert Johnson and Clerk Gibbons.
A document was signed concerning Diana Szabo. A thorough search had been done at the Deed of Records office and no liens were found from the time she owned the property in 1997. Other liens had not been cleared but several are ready to be processed. Mr. Bouchard emphasized that he wants to know especially about 2007 liens and the 2008 liens as well. He wants to be sure we start the lien process according to the requirements of the law.
DJ Curtis gave out a list of account balances as of April 1. We have a balance that is $30,000 higher than at this time last year. We have spent $23,000 less this year on Winter Roads than last year.
Mr. Noble reported that Lynn Orne of the Bureau of Labor Standards will be here inspecting Fire Department records. The Department is paying her $1,200 a year for this service. There was discussion of Dry Hydrants. There is $1,757 available for installation of a hydrant at the Pond on Marr Road. Another on Webber Pond Road will be pursued. Mr. Noble also said that the 1st part of the roof on the Fire Station had been taken care of and that on Thursday a crew would be removing the sheet rock that had black mold on it.
Roads: There are trash receptacles on Hardscrabble Road which have been damaged by winter plowing. Smarts Hill Road has been fixed where it had been washed out and the Sweden part has been graded. A major hole on Plummer School Road has been temporarily fixed. A new culvert is needed. Lee Gray Road and Knights Hill roads have been graded. Mr. Clifford will start work on Ridlonville Road soon.
Mr. Jones reported that the MMWAC meeting had been cancelled last week. Mr. Willey will contact someone from the Lovell Select-board concerning the recycling situation.
Mr. Noble emphasized that the Town needed to draw up a Grant Deed or formal agreement with the church concerning the use of the Brick School House Building. Mr. Sislane stated that in 1972 there was an agreement that the Town could retain the building unless they stopped using it. Now the Historical Society is to use the building. It is no longer a public use, but the town is supposed to control and insure the building. Mr. Sislane stated that the church has signed off on the agreement several times.
There was a question about the printing of the tax bills. The Assessor prints the bills. We were to remind the Assessors not to include Town owned property in the calculation of the tax base. The minutes of the April 7 meeting were revised to state that Mr. Jones would talk to Lovell Selectman Eastman if Mr. Eastman attended the MWAC meeting.
There was a motion to open mail and adjourn the meeting. It was so voted at 6:56.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk