Minutes Board of Selectpersons
Sweden, Maine March 24, 2009
Present: Selectmen James Willey, William Jones and Selectwoman Alberta Ridlon, Administrative Assistant D.J. Curtis, John Smith, Fire Chief Warren Noble, Crystal Libby, Terry and Robert Johnson, Dell Foss, Jean Bouchard, Heather Hoover, Clerk Jane Gibbons. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6 p.m. William Jones nominated James Willey to be chairperson of the Board. Voted (2-0, 1 abstention)
The Warrant was read and signed.
Ms. Curtis distributed an update of approved articles for the 2009 budget. They showed that we would be appropriating $362,499.34 and taking 55,021.73 from surplus. She estimated that the tax rate would be 0.01155 per $100.000 valuation. Although the amount voted would be less than the LD 1 limit, next year it would be necessary to vote to raise the limit. She warned that surplus is getting dangerously low and if the town continues to withdraw from surplus the town will go bankrupt. Discussion followed concerning the need to have similar criteria when calling for bids for rubbish pick-up an road work.
Mr. Warren Noble asked if anyone had seen the documentation concerning the ownership of the Fire Station. He is concerned about roof repair and a mouse problem and the black mold problem. He is concerned about exposure of fire department personnel. Mr. Noble will get bids.
Appointments: The following were approved for terms of service: DJ Curtis as Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Clerk, Prentice Kimball as Plumbing Inspector, Eric Gulbrandsen as Code Enforcement Officer, Carol Murphy as Deputy EMA Director, Bobby Silcott as Animal Control Officer and Constable, Meryl Molloy as Deputy Animal Control Officer, C. Wayne Miller as EMA Director and Constable, Jane Gibbons as Deputy Tax Collector, Frances Flint as Deputy Town Clerk, Francis Flint as Constable, William Jones as Representative to MMWAC, Warren Noble as Fire Warden and Fire Chief of the Town of Sweden all for one year appointments until March 2010 and Janet Mahannah as Conservation Commission Member until March, 2014. voted 3-0. Offices still open: Planning Board Member until March 2013, Alternate Planning Board Member (1 year), Conservation Commission Member until March, 2013, and 2nd Alternate Appeals Board Member.
Food Pantry: Crystal Libby, Terry Johnson, and Dell Foss of the Sowing Seeds for Life Sweden House Food Pantry spoke to the issue of the need for a temporary place to distribute food should the house on Knights Hill Road be sold, possibly in 3 weeks. The group has approached the church about use of the church basement for storage, refrigerators, and freezers. The personnel would need to manually transport the food across the street each time the Pantry is open. The Selectmen were concerned about insurance issues. Mr. Jones will call MMA. The agency will show the town the Travelers liability insurance document which is carried by Sewing Seed for Life with a rider for the Sweden branch. The food pantry is currently serving about 50 families representing 220 people. Mr. Willey moved to provide the space in the Town Meeting House for distribution, pending MMA, insurance and church availability. Voted 3-0. Mrs. Libby said that they would want to use the kitchen for sorting bulk items into individual packets. They would like access on Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday.
Mrs. Foss spoke to the issue of the bat problem in the brick school house. Richard Lyman, chairperson of the Historical Society, had written a letter and Mrs. Foss had met with the contractor. There is money available in an account for repair of that building for the Historical Society.
Jean Bouchard spoke of the need to have the tax books available in the town office and to make more significant progress toward releasing the liens on properties where the back taxes had been paid. Mrs. Ridlon stated that Mrs. Flint had been busy getting the town report mailed. Mrs. Ridlon hoped that more progress could be made on the lien problem soon. Mr. Bouchard stated that the tax collection committee would like to do a mini-audit of the books. The question of whether the Selectmen can and should oversee the Treasurer's work was discussed as she is an elected office. John Smith spoke about the town report showing a number of incorrect items concerning who had paid taxes. A number of names were there that had paid their taxes and some had paid for several years and yet their names were still on the old lists. Robert and Terri Johnson stated that they had been denied refinancing of their mortgage due to these mistakes and liens not being released. It should be noted that they paid 2004 and 2005 taxes in 2008.
The question concerning the fee paid for Ambulance service will be discussed at the April 7 meeting when Paul Fillebrown will be present.
Mrs. Ridlon spoke of the dump issue. Mr. Willey will meet with the Lovell Selectmen.
Mr. Willey moved that the minutes of the March 10th meeting be approved with DJ's corrections. (3-0) The Selectmen were given draft copies of the Annual Meeting and asked to proof read it for approval at the next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45. Jane Gibbons, Clerk