Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine
March 3, 2009
6:00 p.m.
The meeting was opened at 6:03 with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Selectpersons Jones and Ridlon. Mr. Willey was absent due to poor health. John Clifford, Road Commissioner, and Jane Gibbons, Clerk, were present.
Mrs. Ridlon reported that she has discussed the lien process with Mrs. Flint and Mrs. Flint has accepted her offer to help with the lien process. Mrs. Ridlon will also help with the preparation of the town report for mailing. Ms Gibbons reviewed the late dog license process. It was suggested that we ask Wayne Miller, Constable, to serve notices to avoid paying transportation fees for the out-o-town animal control officer. Ms Gibbons will make up a draft of the warrant for the next meeting. The warrants can be delivered by certified mail.
Mr. Jones had emailed to inquire about stimulus money for roads, but has received no reply. Mr. Clifford is eager to start work on ditching and culvert work on Ridlonville Road and securing funds for Plummer School Road and Hardscrabble Road. Mrs. Golt had called several of the Selectmen and Ms Gibbons about ice build up at the end of her driveway. Mr. Clifford explained the lengths the town had gone to to provide a drainage system on her driveway. Mr. Clifford stated that he believed the person who plows her driveway has obstructed the ditching and that melting snow is causing the water to accumulate and freeze on her driveway. He has stated that the town will not sand her driveway.
Minutes of the February 24th meeting were approved. (2-0)
Mr. Jones reported that he had discussed the recycling issue with the Bridgton Town Manager. They were cool to Sweden residents being allowed to participate because someone from Sweden had dumped a refrigerator there in the 1990s. Further discussion will continue along the line of Steve Adamson taking the recycling to Bridgton™s single sort facility. The Bridgton officers did not give a price. This idea will be discussed with Mr. Adamson.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk