Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine
6:00 p.m. February 24, 2009
The meeting was opened by Selectman Willey at 6:04 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Collan Holme of LEA and Brian Thomas of the Moose Pond Association, Selectpersons Willey, Jones and Ridlon, Administrative Assistant DJ Curtis, Clerk J. Gibbons and Road Commissioner John Clifford, Fire Chief Warren Noble.
MOOSE POND PROJECT: Brian Thomas told of his organization's concerns about prevention of Milfoil and maintenance of quality in the lake. They wish to carry out a survey of the lake and its watershed addressing plant life, road erosion issues, streams, wetlands. They want to apply for a grant from Cumberland County Water Association. They asked for a letter of support from the town of Sweden. The Select Board approved of the project and will draft a letter. No financial contributions are to be made, but might be requested later.
DJ/BUDGET: The warrant for the town meeting was completed and signed. Bill Jones' picture of the town hall in snow will be on the front cover. The Planning Commission's Flood Plain proposal also needs to be posted.
ROADS: The road projects for Plummer School Road and Hardscrabble Road were discussed with relevance to the Stimulus Package. Mr. Jones will investigate. There are estimates from Drew and Pike given a year ago which can be used to estimate cost.
RUBBISH: Bridgton Town Manager Burkowitz called saying he had some questions about our interest in using their single sort facility. Mr. Jones will contact him.
MINUTES - The minutes of the Feb. 10 meeting were approved.
OTHER - The Conservation Commission has nominated Janet Mahannah to be a member of their Commission, effective in March.
An EXECUTIVE SESSION was held to consider a concealed weapons permit. There was no known reason for it to be denied.
FIRE CHIEF: Mr. Noble stated that all elected officials must take and pass the tests for courses 100, 200 and 700. This would include the Clerk, Treasurer, Road Commissioner, the Selectpersons, This is required for the town to be eligible for FEMA grants.
The Fire Department purchased a computer through the state Procurement Service.
The problem of shoveling the walks to the Town Meeting Hall was discussed. No decisions was made. Mr. Willey would rather close the building in the winter.
The Meeting was adjourned at 7:42. (3-0)
Jane Gibbons, Clerk