Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine
6:00 p.m. February 10, 2009
Present: Selectpersons Willey, Jones and Ridlon, DJ Curtis, Clerk Gibbons, Road Commissioner Clifford. The meeting was opened at 6 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The warrant was read and approved.
Roads: Applying for bonding of larger road projects such as Plummer School Road and Hardscrabble Road appears to the road commissioner to be a good idea. We shall have to wait until the snow melts before estimates can be secured. Commissioner Clifford spoke of the need to pack Smarts Hill Road with reprocessed asphalt. He also wants to do work on Ridlonville Road this summer. Whether the town bears the expense of replacing culverts or not was discussed. New culverts are expensive, but last longer than the old type which the town supplied. When preparing roads for repairs Mr. Clifford pointed out that major rocks need to be removed before paving.
DJ Curtis: Town report. Mr. Willey moved to accept Article 2 as read. (3-0). There was general discussion of the Budget Committee proposals. DJ proposed that a summary sheet be included in the report. The Selectmen agreed to include it. She asked that the Selectmen, Clerk and Treasurer read the sample report and report corrections to her.
Rubbish: Mr. Willey has received no response from Bridgton concerning recycling.
The minutes of the February 3, 2009 meeting were approved. (3-0)
Mail was read.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk