Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine 6:00 p.m. February 3, 2009
Present were Selectpersons Willey, Jones and Ridlon, Clerk Gibbons, Administrative Assistant DJ Curtis and later Joshua Soucy, Boy Scout. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:03.
DJ distributed a time line for when items had to be in for the Town Report. The Selectmen reviewed the Budget Committee's recommendations. Notable were that they suggested elimination of cost of living increases and the bonding of major road projects such as Plummer School Road and Hardscrabble Road. The thinking was that we would never have enough money to pay $300-400,000 per road. To receive URIP money you have to do the total road. They recommended extinguishing the contingency fund. DJ reported that the Treasurer of the State set the maximum rate for back taxes at 9% interest. Mr. Willey moved that article 33 have a rate of 9% (3-0) Mr. Willey moved that article 35 read as written (4% less than article 33). DJ also reported that expenses for winter road were in line with projections. Questions to investigate: Can we get a Bond for less than 20 years?
The school taxes paid were $562,000 for 58 students or 9,700 per student.
Mr. Willey will write up something for the Town Report to honor someone who has served the town in a major capacity for many years.
The oil bill was a mix up between the Norway and Bridgton offices of CN Brown. It is hoped that they do not fill the tanks in the future without authorization.
Minutes of the January 27th meeting were approved (3-0). A letter from a prospective buyer of the 1142 Knight Hill Road property was discussed. It must be sold by auction or sealed bid. We have never had a response from Greenpoint Credit Union concerning a $12,000 loan for the trailer. The condition of the trailer is considered useless.
There continues to be a problem with the water intake at the Town Office and it appears that it has frozen again.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:52. Jane Gibbons, clerk