Minutes Board of Selectpersons, Sweden, Maine 7:00 p.m.
January 27, 2009
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6 p.m. Present were Selectpersons Willey, Jones and Ridlon, DJ Curtis, Ken Forde, Clerk Gibbons, Warren Noble. The warrant was approved.
Ken Forde reported that some liens have been released by the Tax Collector. She is not being paid extra for the extra time she is giving to this project. Mr. Forde asked that the Tax Committee not be listed on the agenda if they were not scheduled to be present.
Mr. Willey met with the Budget committee. They have requested that Rob Drew meet with them. They had questions about cost of salt, winter roads etc. The suggestion of asking about Sweden joining Bridgton in their recycling program was discussed. We are currently paying $400 a month for recycling. Mr. Willey will draft a letter to Bridgton.
There was no water in the town office probably due to freezing. Mr. Willey and Mr. Noble will look into this matter.
There is some confusion about CN Brown delivering oil which was not ordered. Mr. Willey will call to clarify the matter with CN Brown.
Mr. Willey is seeking advice from various contractors concerning the possible damage from Snow on the Cement siding on the Town Office Building.
The minutes of the January 13th meeting were approved. Mr. Ryan will be the moderator at the March 21 annual town meeting.
The School District has asked us to clarify Grace Keef 's service on the Board. She has a conflicting work schedule and has not been able to attend the meetings. Kristen Almeida, alternative member, has attended meetings on a regular basis.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05.
Jane Gibbons