Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Attended by James Willey and Bill Jones. Also in attendance were Sam Black and DJ Curtis.

1. OPENING: The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

2. OTHER: Sweden spring issues
    a. Sam Black asked if the spring people were having a meeting on Nov. 15, 2008? He asked if this was an informational meeting with no voting, sponsored by Mr. Buker. The Selectmen responded that they had not had any additional information since the initial contact with Mr. Buker.
    b. Sam also discussed the need to change the Town Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinances if this project moved forward. Sam gave the Selectmen a brief history of the spring and the requests put to the town to operate a water removal operation over the past 10 years. He also offered his notes and files regarding this issue to the Selectmen for their review.

    a. The Selectmen discussed the Warrant for the upcoming Special Town Meeting.
        i. DJ reviewed the projected year end balance for the Rubbish account.
        ii. Jim motioned that the Selectmen recommend taking from Surplus, $6,000.00 to cover the shortfalls in the Rubbish account. Selectmen voted in approval (2-0)
    b. Bill discussed information from MMA on General Assistance. He discussed who could manage the General Assistance and the benefits of having a consistent person handling it. The Selectmen discussed the possibility of having Warren Noble be selected to handle General Assistance, as he has just completed a course in managing General Assistance.

    a. Jim reported that he had spoken with the Town of Fryeburg regarding snow plowing Smarts Hill Road. They will be sending a bill to cover the verbal agreement between Sweden and Fryeburg. The Selectmen then discussed other alternatives for plowing and sanding Smarts Hill Road and decided that using the Town of Fryeburg was still the best plan available for economic and safety reasons.

5. OPENED MAIL and ADJOURNED the meeting at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diana J Curtis
Administrative Assistant