Minutes, Board of Selectmen, Sweden, ME

October 7, 2008

Present: Earl and Steven Buker, John Smith, Sam Black, Jean and Annette Bouchard, Ken Forde, Ron Kiesman, Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble, Clerk Gibbons

The meeting was called to order at 6:59 by Chairman Willey. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

SWEDEN SPRINGS: Mr. Jones read a letter from MMA saying that there was no legal requirement that the Selectman respond to a request for a public information meeting, but they could also call such a meeting. An informational session could be held at a Selectmen's meeting or a public information meeting could be held under the Buker's auspices. The consensus was that the hall be offered free of charge, but that it be clear that this was not sponsored by the Selectmen. Steven Buker read a portion of a grant proposal put forth in 2000 citing a burdensome raise in taxes if the town were to pay for a new Fire Station. Ken Forde reminded the Bukers that such a plan would call for a change in town ordinances. An informational meeting will be held November 15 at 10 a.m. in the Sweden Town Meeting House. The Bukers will be responsible for publicizing the meeting.

ROAD CLOSURES: Mt. Willey moved to close portions of the following roads for winter maintenance. Voted (3-0) Trull Brook Road, Fern Drive, Marr Road, Hatchery Rd (off of Fern Drive), Clough Hill Road, Ledge Hill Road, Ellis Road.

TAX COMMITTEE: Mr. Forde said that they wanted access to the tax collector's files to research leans. Mr. Jones will set up a time for the meeting when Tax Collector Flint is having office hours.

ROADS: A bid for $900 has come in from Wakefield Drilling and Blasting for work on Plummer School Road and Ledge Hill Road. Mr. Willey will check with DJ Curtis to see if there is money in the summer roads account for undertaking this at this time. Mr. Jones mentioned that there is a similar site on Marr Road in need of blasting. The winter road bond needs to be set. Ron Kiesman mentioned that dirt removed in the ditching process could be used in other areas of town. An attempt has been made to have a reception area near the town salt garage. Mr. Bouchard thought that the ditching efforts were sacrificing too much shoulder space on the roads.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Willey moved to accept the minutes of the September 23rd meeting with the correction of the word "action" to "acting" before Fire Chief.

OTHER: Annette Bouchard was approved as a Planning Board Member until March, 2013. Clerk Gibbons swore her in. Mr. Noble said that he would be resigning from the Board of Selectmen as he was now Fire Chief. His letter of resignation will be submitted at the next meeting. Mr. Smith thanked Mr. Noble for the many unseen jobs he has done for the town. Mr. Wayne Miller continues to act as Emergency Management Chief. Mrs. Bouchard mentioned need for a road sign on Webber Pond Road. The Selectmen said that the signs had come in and would be installed as soon as possible. Mr. Bouchard requested that the Selectmen point out to the winter road crew (Robby Drew) that they should not hit the new bridge on Trull Brook Road and that damages done should be reported to the town and that no salt should be used near a waterway. The problem of the sander clumping up was mentioned. There was discussion concerning the fund-raising efforts of the Fire Association. The sign on the snack wagon should read Sweden Fire Association and not Fire Department. Shoveling of the roof on the Fire Station was mentioned. No action taken. Mr. Kiesman wanted to see that the Fire budget was kept to the line items in the budget approved by the town. Mr. Noble said that he would attend Selectmen's meetings when warrants were to be approved to explain what the expenditures were for.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Jane Gibbons, Clerk