Minutes, Board of Selectmen, Sweden, ME September 23, 2008
Present: Sam Black, George and Germaine Bassett, Bill Centamore, John and Marilyn Smith, Earl Buker, Jean Bouchard, Alberta Ridlon, Phyllis Bishop, Beverly Bishop, Diane J. Curtis, Steven Buker, Gail Bartlett, Heather Hoover, Bill Parmelee, Mary Sohl, Clerk Gibbons, Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble, Road Commissioner John Clifford, Robert Newton
Meeting was opened at 6:59 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. The warrant was signed by the Selectmen.
SWEDEN SPRINGS: A petition had been received by the Selectmen calling for a public informational meeting on the proposed spring. Mr. Centamore questioned the legality of the Selectmen setting a date for such a meeting, making it appear that the selectmen were in favor of the proposal. Mr. Bouchard stated that he felt the proposal violated the Comprehensive Plan and that therefore the sponsoring of the meeting was illegal. Those in the audience felt that the Bukers should rent the town hall, provide their own advertising, and make their presentation and not involve the Selectmen in the presentation. It was suggested that the Selectmen consult MMA concerning what they should do with a petition that violates the existing Comprehensive Plan.
PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT: Pamela Gail Bartlett has agreed to serve on the Planning Board to fill the unexpired term of Rob Slattery. She was sworn in by Clerk Gibbons. She will serve until March, 2012.
DJ CURTIS handed out budget projections to the Selectmen for their information about expenditures to date for 2008.
WINTER ROADS CLOSINGS: A vote will be taken at the next meeting so that signs can be posted.
ROADS: The Bond with the winter roads contractor needs to be started. Blasting will take place on Plummer School Road where a ledge obstructs water run off. Extensive ditching and culvert work has been done with week. Ditching will start on Ridlonville Road this week.
MINUTES: The minutes of the September 2 and 9 meetings were accepted with correction of the date of the first meeting and corrections suggested by DJ Curtis for the 2nd meeting.
Jean Bouchard requested that the Selectman set a date for appointing the Fire Chief. Warren Noble was sworn in as Action Fire Chief.
Bill Centamore raised the issue of plowing Trull Brook Road in the winter. He stated that it is supposed to be zoned for œrecreational use. Mr. Jones pointed out that salt should not be used in an area zoned as aquifer, an area which surrounds the bridge by 200'. Mr. Earl Buker maintains a winter residence off of Trull Brook Road.
Mr. Noble signed the warrant, but his signature referred to only non- Fire Association/Department matters.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:52
Jane Gibbons, Clerk