Minutes, Board of Selectmen, Sweden, ME September 3, 2008
Present: Heather Germadnik, Sam Black, Ken Forde, Jean Bouchard, John Clifford, Selectmen Willey and Noble, Clerk Gibbons.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the August 12th and 26th meetings were approved.
Heather Germadnik of the Oxford County Soil and Water District gave information about a mapping of invasive species plants which the District is undertaking. Permission will be sought from landowners to survey for the plants which take over whole areas, killing off the native species. Some of the plants include Japanese bayberry, garlic mustard, Black Locust trees, multi-floral rose, Asiatic bittersweet, purple loose strife, autumn olive, Japanese Knot weed, glossy buckthorn and common buckthorn.
The tax advisory committee would like to meet with Frances Flint, Tax collector, and view some of the past tax records. Specifically they will be looking at tax lien discharges.
Discussion of the Fire Chief vacancy and filling of the office will be postponed until the full Board is present.
Roads: Mr. Bouchard reminded the Board that the Trull Brook Bridge needs to be sprayed. He suggested that it should be posted for 5 ton limit. Ditching and culvert replacement will be done on Perry Hill Road and Plummer School Road in preparation for their being rebuild next year. No work will be done on Ridlonville Road this year.
Sam Black wanted to know if anyone had seen a copy of the petition for a special town meeting that the Buckers reportedly were circulating. They are proposing that they enter a contract with the town to supply $400,000 for a new fire station and 10% of the income generated by their spring. They want staging stations on Webber Pond road and Bridgton road and are proposing moving water by a co-linear pipe line. No one present had seen the petition. Ms. Gibbons reported that Steven Bucker had been in seeking information about how many signatures were needed for a call to meeting. Mr. Black stated that the water pumping operation was not a permitted use by town ordinance.
Ms. Gibbons reported that the Accountant's report for 2007 had arrived in the office today.
Ms. Gibbons said that she would be out of state on September 18th and requested permission to have the office closed that Thursday evening. Permission was granted.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:07. Jane Gibbons, clerk