DRAFT Minutes Board of Selectmen, Sweden, Maine August 12, 2008
Present: Selectmen Willey, Jones, Noble, Bob Drew, Mike Bradford, Eric Gulbrandsen, John Clifford, D.J. Curtis, Clerk Gibbons. Meeting was opened at 7:03 with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the August 5th meeting were approved (3-0).
Mr. Bradford raised 2 concerns. Rosemary Smart Hollis had given land 26 years ago to a friend, but the wording of the deed encroached on land owned by Mr. Bradford. A survey of his land confirms his ownership of land which she granted along Ellis Road and 160' into his property. This concerns map R03, lot 06A. Mr. Gulbrandsen assured him that a building permit could not be issued when the deed is clouded. Mr. Bradford also raised concerns about the need to do maintenance on Town Beach Road (fire lane # 20) which is privately owned. Mr. Willey explained that the town cannot do maintenance on a private road even when the town has the right-of-way to the town beach. Mr. Bradford is interested in forming an association of land-owners and as the town owns the beach property, he hoped that the town could help with the work needed. Mr. Willey stated that even though the road is used by beach goers, the town can only do minimal work.
Mr. Gulbrandsen, Code Enforcement Officer, explained that at the July 31 Planning Board meeting there was no chairperson, nor secretary of the Board. A lawyer hired to give advice suggested that Mr. Gulbrandsen send a letter to K & W informing them of the statutes applying to their situation.
D. J. Curtis asked the Selectmen to sign a Management Discussion and Analysis for the year 2007 for the accountant. (2) Mr. Willey moved that the 561.21 deficit in account 420B (SFD Land) be taken from 420a (SFD Building Committee) (3-0). (3) The additional charges ($3000+) for the legal work on the Knights Hill Road Property are to be taken from Town Charges. (4) The Fire Department budget and expenditures to date were distributed.
There was a request for a run report on Emergency Medical Services. This should be submitted by the EMA Director.
No formal letter has been received from Wayne Miller, only the report given to the Fire Association several months ago.
D.J. will check with Fran Flint about the status of the Heritage Fund CD.
DJ has received a request to meet with the budget committee. The Selectmen approved this as long as it was not burdensome.
Town Office: It was reported that testing revealed that there was no pressure in water either in the wire or pump for the Water supply for the Town Office. Charges for fixing this will come from Town Building maintenance (account 402).
Knights Hill Rd. Property: Mr. Willey will write a letter to the finance company concerning the trailer left on the property. He will give them 30 days to remove the trailer or it will be disposed of.
Roads: The State has asked the town to fill out a survey by the Public Works department. Mr. Willey will inform them that all work is contracted out and we have no such department. No one has seen the estimate sent by Pike Industries. LEA will be asked to consult on the work on Perry Hill Road as it involved erosion control dumping into Keyes Pond. Road signs will need to be replaced. Mr. Drew has received a bid from Pine Tree Paving for road work.
Ms. Gibbons suggested that in order to keep track of deeds, that she pick them up once a month in Fryeburg, make copies of them and put the originals in the Assessor's box. After Fran Flint has recorded the mortgage deeds and Ms. Gibbons has updated the tax books, the copies of the deeds will be filed in the card files.
Mr. Jones reported that he would be away on the 1st Tuesday in September and would miss the Selectmen's meeting.
Mr. Willey moved to change the lock on the vault room and issue keys to the Treasurer/Tax Collector, Clerk/Registrar of Voters, the 3 Selectmen, and their Administrative Assistant. No other keys will be issued. Assessors or CEO or Planning board members or members of the public wishing to see records will have to do it in the presence of one of the people issued keys. (3-0)
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk