Minutes Board of Selectmen, Sweden, Maine August 5. 2008
Present: Ken Forde, Ron Sislane, Ron Kiesman, Selectmen Jones and Noble and later Willey, Dennis Berube of O'Donnell & Associates. Meeting was opened at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the July 22nd meeting were approved (2-0).
Mr. Berube was here to straighten out some of the communication problems between the Town office and Assessor. He prefers that one person pick up the deeds and that materials for the Assessors be made available to his office when they are needed. Ms. Gibbons stated that Transfer Tax notices and deeds have not come into the office in several months. She has worked hard to correct errors in the addresses and ownership data in the town's tax records, including more accurate descriptions (street and numbers) of the location of properties and the book and page number of each parcel. Mr. Berube stated that the previously missing files were in the vault room. Ms. Gibbons stated that neither Fran Flint nor DJ Curtis were aware of where those files were when they were then "found" by the assessor's staff and filed. Mr. Berube requested that no names of owners be changed until a deed with new page and book numbers appears showing change in ownership. Address changes can be made in the office, but changes in owner's names should not be made in the office. Mr. Noble will keep a box on his desk for the original deeds and transfer notices. We may photocopy them for use in the office before they are put in the Assessor's box. Mr. Berube also needs building permit information from the Planning Board and Mr. Gulbrandsen. The printed white pages in the files are public records. The manila cards are the assessor's field notes and may leave the office in their care. Assessor's materials to be filed in the office should be left with either Fran Flint or Jane Gibbons so that staff knows where they are and they can be properly filed. Mr. Noble said he would periodically pick up the deeds from the Fryeburg office and bring them to the Town office.
Tax Advisory Committee - Mr. Noble moved "that Mr. Noble meet with Fran Flint and Ken Forde to get information concerning the dates 30-day notices were sent, when the lien certificate notice was issued, whether forms were made out, and after 18 months the 30-45 day notice to foreclose was sent for all outstanding properties from 1996 to the present." Voted 3-0. The committee would like to be able to go through the tax books.
Knights Hill Road Compliance - Mr. Willey reported that initial cleanup had been started. An invoice for $3,500 has come from the Attorney.
Roads - Washouts have been found on Trull Brook Road, Haskell Hill Road, Black Mt. Road, Plummer School Road and Ledge Hill road. A bicycle accident occurred on Plummer School Road this week.
Metal pick-up is taking place this week. Mr. Noble reported on removal of bulky waste and the inventory and removal of universal waste. Mr. Willey had been to the Lovell Selectmen to ask if tires could be processed through them. Lovell Selectmen would require $5 per tire. Mr. Willey will contact the company they use directly himself. Mr. Kiesman reported that he had been elected chairman of the Planning Board and that the Planning Board has not been threatened with a law suit. He stated that Mr. Gulbrandsen had sent a letter under Planning Board letterhead to K + W Timberland (Jack Wadsworth) giving advice. This letter had not been approved by the Planning Board and Mr. Kiesman would be meeting with Mr. Gulbrandsen to clarify his role with respect to relationships between clients and the board.
The Selectmen noted that they had received a photocopy of a notice of Wayne Miller's retirement from the position of Fire Chief effective September 1. It was a copy of a statement Mr. Miller had made to the Fire Association dated June 28th. Ms. Gibbons had asked Mr. Miller for a formal letter or resignation. Mr. Willey will also request this for the Town records.
Meeting adjourned at 10:03. Jane Gibbons, Clerk