Minutes Board of Selectmen, Sweden, Maine July 8, 2008
Present were Jean and Annette Bouchard, Ken Forde, Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble, Administrative Assistant DJ Curtis, Clerk Gibbons
Meeting was opened at 7:05 by Selectman Willey with the Pledge of Allegiance. The warrant was read and signed. Mr. Noble moved to refund the full amount for the rental of the Meeting hall for the Cheryl Smith wedding in June when the plumbing system backed up. There was no second. Mr. Willey moved that the minutes of the June 10th meeting be approved. Copy of the Trash Collection Contract attached. Voted 3-0. Mr. Willey moved that the minutes of the July 1 meeting be approved. Voted 3-0
Tax Advisory Committee, represented by Mr. Bouchard and Mr. Forde, has been requested to advise the Board of Selectmen concerning the various dates for processing back taxes and to advise the Board of the process for liens. Mr. Noble requested information from Tax Collector Flint on all back taxes wanting to know the status of each property. Mr. Forde pointed out that the town has time to do the 30 day notice on 2007 owed taxes.
Taxes - (1) D.J. Gave the Selectmen the County Assessment document which promised to pay Oxford County $49,000. It was signed by the Selectmen. (2) Tax rate: DJ stated that the total valuation of the town would be a little higher than the 2% estimated. The minimum tax rate would be .10102 and the maximum would be .10107. The first figure would allow almost no overlay. The second would allow $40,000 overlay. The figure of .105 tax rate or 10.5 mill rate was recommended. This would mean a $120 increase per $100,000 valuation compared with last year. Mr. Jones moved that the rate be set at .105. Voted 3-0. Tax commitment papers were signed. (3) D.J. stated that the final assessing figured will be here by Friday. We paid the assessor $7,358 last year. It was decided that the town hold off payment of the invoice on the maps until maps are correct. Mr. Willey to inform assessor. He will ask O'Donnell to meet with the Selectmen due to concerns about lateness of assessment. (4) Selectmen express concern about the lateness of auditor's report. DJ is the get quotes from Milican and Perkins in Windham and Jones and Matthews in Bridgton.
Knights Hill Road Compliance - There has been no news from the attorney. Mr. Willey will call him.
Tynan Property - Mr. Jones is collecting information, pictures, FEMA documents and statements for a file. Code Enforcement Officer Gulbrandsen will be consulted concerning the history. No suit has been filed against the town as yet.
The Budget Committee requests 5 copies of winter road documentation, trash pickup, various contracts, auditor's report, and appropriations. This request was approved 3-0. The committee is Carroll Murphy, Julie McQueen, Ron Shorey, Jim Carty. Mr. Noble suggested that they be asked to watch expenditures throughout the year.
Other: Signs: Mr. Willey moved that missing street signs be ordered by Mr. Noble as needed.
The Sweden Community Church requested that the church be allowed to store some deeds in the town fireproof file cabinet. The issue of separation of church and state was raised by Mr. Jones. He was concerned that if one organization were allowed to store some items, others would also want to do it. It was suggested that the church might purchase a small safe to keep their own documents. Mr. Noble will check out safes at the government surplus ware house.
R.H. Perry who is working on Hardscrabble road has stated that he would be willing to continue repairing 100 feet on Hardscrabble road next to where he is working. A price will be sought after consultation with Mr. Drew.
Mail was opened. Meeting was adjourned at 9:04. Jane Gibbons Clerk