Minutes Board of Selectmen, Sweden, Maine July 1, 2008
Present: Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble, Administrative Assistant Curtis, Clerk Gibbons, Property Owners Chrystal and Keith Libby. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of the June 24th meeting were corrected to state that Carroll Murphy is Deputy EMA Director. Those minutes were approved as corrected. A correction to the June 14th Special Town meeting was previously made with reference to valuation per hundred thousand dollars. Those minutes were approved. There were no suggested corrections in the May 27th or June 3rd meetings. Those minutes were approved.
Knights Hill Road Compliance Issue: Owners of the property next to the former Jewell property stated that they were not able to rent their property because of the continuing amount of trash on the property next to theirs. Mr.Willey stated that the notice of abandonment had been sent and that the occupants had 14 days to respond and subsequently 10 days to remove the abandoned property. The trailer would stay until the issues with Greentree were resolved. Mrs. Libby requested that the Selectmen keep them up-to-date about the situation and she gave her phone number and email address.
D.J.Curtis had the Selectmen sign the Management Representation Letter to the Assessors. She stated that the MMA Insurance application had been sent in. The tax rate needs to be set at the next Board meeting. She presented the accompanying pages of documentation. An increase of $135 per $100,000 valuation would be needed. We still do not have numbers from the Assessor. She discussed the late arrival of the accountant's report and suggested we look for another company. She will get quotes.
Tynan Property: Mr. Jones will prepare documentation on the Transactions to date and make them available to MMA by internet. Mr. Noble suggested dealing with Dana Hanley as an attorney knowledgeable about such cases. Quotes will be sought.
Roads: A bid is sought from Pike for paving .4 of a mile on Ridlonville Road and for reclaiming and paving 800' of Hardscrabble Road 400 yards in each direction from Ridlonville Road.
Tax Advisory Committee - The committee is to be asked to attend the next Selectmen's meeting. Mr. Noble will ask them. Mr. Willey will ask Tax Collector Flint concerning outstanding leans and the schedule for following up on unpaid Taxes.
Other: A complaint has been brought to the Selectmen from a property owner concerning the light refection from the Town Office windows from the free standing light outside the office. Previously the amount of light had been diminished. No action will be taken.
Mr. Willey installed a beautifully framed mirror in the rest room.
Ms. Gibbons stated that a belt was replaced on the new vacuum for a cost of $11.50, The septic system cleaning for the Town Hall had not been completed because they have not been able to find it. They went down 4 feet in 3 places. Mr. Noble will check with Plumbing Inspector Kimball to see if he remembers where it was placed.
There was a change order on the roofing of the Town Hall. Mr. Willey moved that $1,275.95 be paid out of Building Maintenance. Mr. Noble abstained. Voted 2-0,
Mr. Willey moved to have Mr. Jones ask the Fire Chef if he is resigning in September and to secure a statement in writing. Motion passed (3-0) Mr. Noble explained that as ours is a non-municipal fire department, and if the Selectman involved is careful to abstain from comment about the Fire Association and its budget, there is no conflict in a Selectman serving as Fire Chief according to MMA.
Mr. Willey moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:21. Motion Passed (3-0)