
Minutes of the Board of Selectmen - Town of Sweden

 May 13, 2008

 The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Selectman Willey with the Pledge of  Allegiance. Present were Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble. Representing  Sweden Community Church were Rev. Anita White, Virginia Durr and Carol  Sislane. Road Commissioner Clifford, Administrative Assistant Curtis and  Clerk Gibbons were present.

 Mr. Noble reported that he had discussed the church proposal with MMA. They  stated that the town could work with the church as long as the town had no  administrative part of the fund. Mr. Noble can refer people, including those  who do not meet Town guidelines for General Assistance, to the church.  Documentation is important and Mr. Noble stated that there are confidential  records that he can refer to.It was stated that it would be simpler if the  church received and distributed the funds. In a mailing Mr. Noble is sending  out to tax payers and voters, he would include a note that the Sweden  Community Church is discussing with the selectmen the possibility of setting  up a Community Emergency Fund. The church committee will be given a brief  period of time at the up-coming Information Meeting May 28th to present the  idea after the Selectmen provide information about the Winter Roads deficit  and before the Fire Building Committee presents their material.

D.J. Curtis reported that the Audit is still not completed, but is being  wrapped up. She said that it is time to set up a line of credit as the check  book only has $17,00 after tonight ‘s bills. Mr. Willey moved that a line of  credit be set up with Norway Savings Bank for $150,000. (3-0) Money is only  withdrawn as needed. The surplus is being depleted. The figure of $50,000  was suggested to meet the short-fall in Winter Roads. The Special Town  Meeting will inform the citizens of this shortfall. The increase already  voted will mean a tax rate of .01 or $65 per $100,000 valuation. The  additional $50,000 would raise the tax rate to .01055 or a $120 increase per  $100,000 valuation. A Fire Building of $400,000 would mean $30-40,000 per  year for a 30 year loan increasing the taxes $155 for $100,000 valuation.  Various scenarios were discussed: A. Appropriate $50,000. B Appropriate some  from increased taxes and some from Summer Roads account which the town voted  to increase to $70,000 this year. It was hoped that none would be taken from  surplus because surplus is needed to avoid extensive borrowing due to cash  flow problems. There is still some money in FEMA accounts ($1,900 from 2003  and $5,800 from 2007). The salt shed is 1/3 full.

The 5 acres transfer out of tree growth on the property on Kezar River Road  would incur a $1,876 penalty. The Selectmen did not want to œforgive this  penalty.

Mr. Noble requested a monthly report on the Fire Association budget. DJ  Curtis will email it to Mr. Noble.

Minutes from the April 22 and May 6 meeting were approved with the correction  of spelling errors.

 Mr. Steve Adamson was not present. Mr. Noble invited him to return to the  next meeting to discuss the contract. Various errors were corrected in the  proposed contact. Bonding insurance and the handling of the base plus gas  surcharge will be discussed.

Roads: Mr. Noble moved that Rob Drew be released from the Bond he holds for  Snow Plowing. (3-0) Mr. Noble moved that the town look into purchasing the  salt through the Greater Portland Council of Government. (3-0) Mr. Drew will  be asked to clean off the dust from roads.

A court date of 8:30 a.m. May 28th in Bridgton has been set concerning the  Knights Hill Road issue. Jane reported that a neighbor had stated that dogs  were chained without food or water for several days. Mr. Noble and Mr. Willey  will investigate.

A bid for Cemetery mowing of $1,575 was received from Chapman Lawn and Yard  Works. Mr. Willey moved to accept the bid. (3-0)

Ms Gibbons reported on various treatments for the office window. Mr. Noble  suggested a film that filters out the direct sun, but allows light in.  

Tom Goodman of the Historical Committee received a bid of $4,460 to replace  the roof on the Brick School House. The bid for the suspended ceiling could  not be found. Another contractor will be asked to bid on the roof.

 The up-coming mailing was discussed. Mr. Willey moved that the town pay for  the printing/copying and postage. (3-0) Mr. Noble will include information  about metal pick-up at resident ‘s homes August 3-9th and bulky waste pick-up  to be brought to the office parking lot July 25-27th. The price for the metal  pick-up has not been determined. The bulky waste pickup will cost the town  $250. Other information will include the short-fall in Winter Roads, General  Assistance information, the statement about the Community Fund and the  information about the Fire Building.

 The meeting was adjourned at 9:35.

Jane Gibbons, clerk