Minutes Board of Selectmen Meeting - Town of Sweden
April 8, 2008
Meeting was called by order by Selectman Willey at 7:02. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present: Selectmen Willey, Jones and Noble, Road Commission Clifford, Road Contractor Drew, Fire House Building Committee Chairperson Duve, CEO Gulbrandsen, Administrative Ass’t. Curtis, Treasurer Flint, Clerk Gibbons and guest Hoover.
Approval of Minutes: Mr. Noble expressed opinion that the chairperson of the Board of Selectmen has the power to decide what is included in the minutes. There was clarification from others stating that 2 of the 3 Selectmen must approve accuracy of the minutes. Revisions were made concerning who suggested that inquiry be made to Waterford and Lovell concerning the Fire Department and clarification concerning the letter to Community Concepts. Minutes were approved with revisions 3-0.
She projected that we would be $15,000 in the hole
by the end of 2008. She said winter
roads is short right now by $5,000 and with contract payments due of $10,000, it
is short $15,000. It will probably be short by $40,000 by 12/31/08(correction
5/12/08).This will be presented at the Informational meeting in late April
and at a Town meeting in May when the Fire Building committee will make its
report. Mr. Drew stated that we would not need to get more sand or salt.
(1) Dr. Drew stated that we had been billed on the basis of a previous contract and that he, even knowing the constraints of the town’s budget, would have to submit new bills based on the current contract. He estimated that this might mean an extra $5,000.
(2)Mr. Noble submitted the road plan (attached) and moved that it be approved. (3-0)
(3) A lumbering estimate was submitted for removing trees that impinge on roads. It included an estimate for removing trees at Ridlonville Cemetery. The suggestion was made that the person who logs for Davis Kimball be asked to bid as a number of the trees along Hardscrabble Road are on his property.
(4) Mr. Noble discussed prices on Asphalt. Mr. Drew will contact F.R.Carroll concerning work on Ridlonville Road, and get estimates for repairing all of it or half of it this year.
(5) The state has supplied materials for temporary repairs on frost heaves on state roads and supplied materials for temporary repairs to town roads. The town is paying for the labor. Mr. Noble moved that Mr. Drew continue with making repairs using the state supplied materials. Approved (3-0). The state also supplied the signs used to warn of dangerous areas.
(6) Posts on Haskell Hill Cemetery appear to be holding up.
Town Meeting House Roof Two bids have been received from two companies, each with two alternate plans. Noble construction bid $11,849 with no ice and water shield. Or $14,521.07 with the ice and water shield. Mr. Noble withdrew from discussion of the roof because of his relationship to Noble Construction. Gailon Burke estimated $12,648.04 plus 8 cents a foot more for materials. (No figure was given as to what that would mean.) He bid $18,326.29 for a steel roof with no screws. Mr. Willey moved that the contract go to Noble construction for the $14,521.07 bid with ice and water shield and that construction follow MEMIC guidelines for insurance.
Knights Hill Road Compliance Issue CEO Gulbrandsen stated that the situation was a matter of public record. Mr. Noble apologized for misstating the issue concerning privacy. This would not meet the criteria for an Executive session. Mr. Willey had spoken to the attorney. We await Judith Smith’s signature on a deed. No court date is set.
Fire Station Building Committee Mr. Duve expressed concern about the focus of the committee’s mission. Some people feel we don’t need a fire department and he felt that issue was not in the realm of the committee. Mr. Willey said he would look at the charges to the committee to see whether the committee should be looking at other options such as cooperating with another town. Mr. Noble volunteered to attend Fire Station Building Committee meetings to act as a liaison. Mr. Jones said that he wanted to see the mutual aid agreement with other towns to know what Sweden Fire Department is required to have. Mr. Duve stated that he does not want to work on disbanding the Sweden Fire Department. He was encouraged by the Selectmen to continue his work on providing alternate plans for construction of a fire station. Mr. Jones stated that alternatives need to be known if we do not build.
Appointments The ad for town officers will appear in Thursday’s Bridgton News. Ms Gibbons suggested the names of some new residents in town who had shown interest in serving. Mr. Willey will contact them.
Other Mr. Noble moved that documents and letters from the Selectmen should be written on stationary with letter head. An email had been sent to another town’s Board and he felt it was unprofessional. There was no second. Mr. Noble said that the majority vote of (2-1) should have been in the letter to indicate that the full board did not approve. An official response has not been received from Bridgton concerning the inquiry about contracting for fire protection services.
Mr. Willey moved that we order toilet paper and towels from Bard Industries. (3-0)
Ms Gibbons was asked to contact the cleaning service. She will do this when she returns in late April.
Warrants were approved and mail read.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40. (3-0)
Jane Gibbons