Minutes Board of Selectmen Meeting

Town of Sweden

March 25, 2008


Meeting was opened at 7:00 by Selectman Willey with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present were Selectmen Willey, Jones, Noble, Administrative Assistant DJ Curtis, Clerk Gibbons, Road Commissioner John Clifford, Road contractor Rob

Drew, CEO Eric Gulbrandsen, and guest Heather Hoover.

James Willey was nominated to be first Selectman. Voted 2-0 (Mr. Willey abstained)

DJ Curtis submitted papers for the accountant for the Selectmen to sign pertaining to the 2007 report. She stated that amounts voted at the town meeting were $43,000 over the LD 1 limit. $37,500 will come from surplus. She reported that winter roads had consumed $30,000 more than anticipated already. This will have to be presented to the town citizens at the informational meeting in late April for a town vote. Mr. Noble called for research on the whole winter roads issue.

Mr. Gulbrandsen submitted a new permit fee schedule for the town (attached). Previously fees were based on valuation, now they are based on size of building and other extenuating costs. The schedule is like that of other area towns. Selectman Willey moved that the schedule by approved. Passed 3-0.

Knights Hill Road Compliance issue: Mr. Noble moved that Mr. Willey be authorized to talk to the attorney about a date for court concerning eviction. Passed 2-0.

Warren Noble will handle general assistance applications as Overseer of the Poor.

Roads: Warren Noble moved that Mr. Drew fill in potholes with gravel on Town Roads as a temporary measure at minimum cost to come out of the summer roads

account. Passed 2-0. Mr. Clifford presented a plan for 2008-2011 for repair of town roads to include Ridlonville Road, Perry Hill Road, Ledge Hill Road,

Plummer School Road, Hardscrabble Road and Trull Brook Road. Mr. Noble moved to accept the plan with the provision that there might be some modifications

in case of emergency. Passed 3-0. Smarts Hill road would be graded on a regular basis. Mr. Jones questioned why portions of Marr road have not been completed. The amount of money in the 2005 FEMA account for that road had run out. Riprap is to be installed on Black Mt. Road. There is $19,000 still in the 2005 FEMA account. There is $5,800 in the 2007 FEMA account. The State's matching portion of $13,000 has come in. The Portland Water District has approved the repairs on Trull Brook Road and 2 areas of Hardscrabble Road. Mr. Drew was asked to put together a list of troubled road areas and submit estimates for work needed. Some trees need to be cut down off of Hardscrabble road. David Kimball wishes to keep the lumber from trees on his properties.

New roof for Town Meeting Hall: We have received 3 bids. Vote to take place at next Selectman™s meeting.

Rubbish collection surcharge: Mr. Noble stated that previous Selectmen had encouraged the Rubbish collector to come back to the Board if gas prices had increased. It was agreed that this should be written into the next contract. A new contract needs to be written up for the next contract period. The current $25 per week additional compensation for gas was approved (2-0) with 1abstention.

Vacancies: The Selectmen need to find a Planning Board Member and one alternate, two alternates on the Appeals Board, and one member of the

Conservation Commission. Mr. Willey will talk to Jane Forde about a possible Conservation Commission member. DJ Curtis will put a notice in the newspaper advertising for the vacancies on the Planning Board and Appeals Board. Voted 3-0.

Mr. Noble moved that the car allowance for attending distant training sessions and meetings be set at the allowable Federally recommended rate. Voted 2-0 with one abstention.

Compensation for Selectmen will be divided three ways. Voted 3-0. Mr. Willey was sworn in a Public Safety officer. Frances Flint was sworn in as Deputy Town Clerk. DJ Curtis was sworn in as Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Town Clerk. Jane Gibbons was sworn in at Deputy Tax Collector.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:28

Jane Gibbons, Clerk