Minutes Board of Selectmen Meeting

Town of Sweden

February 26, 2008


Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Alliance by Selectman Harris at 7 p.m.

Present: John Clifford, Selectmen Harris, Willey, Jones, Clerk Gibbons.

Minutes of the February 12 meeting were approved.


DJ Curtis was not present. The Selectmen discussed information that should be available at the informational meeting March 8: Tree Growth reimbursement, LD1 and some statistical data.

No one was present from the Budget Committee.

The Planning Board and Fire Station Building Committee will have reports and answer questions.

The latest information about the Fire Station Building is a question raised concerning whether or not it needs to be an Emergency shelter. Would that mean that FEMA could contribute to its construction cost?

Knights Hill Road Compliance issue: The eviction hearing is set for March 26th. MMA has stated that we are covered for liability.

CEO Certification:  Mr. Gulbrandsen has taken and passed 2 tests and is taking the 3rd one tonight. It is assumed that he will be recertified by the end of the month.

Roads: Salt and sand supply is sufficient for the time being. The salt shed doors need to be closed to avoid theft. Town residents may take up to three 5 gallon buckets of sand from the smaller, further shed. The town does not supply truck loads of sand for private driveway use.

A letter has been received stating that an additional $13,000 will be coming from FEMA for roads.

Ms. Gibbons stated that three of the individuals who had been sent delinquency notices have registered their dogs. She will make a list of those not registered and have it available for the next meeting. The question was raised as to whether the warrant letters could be sent by registered mail to avoid the expense of sending out the animal control officer. It costs the town $10 an hour plus mileage to use his services.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk