Minutes Board of Selectmen Meeting
Town of Sweden January 22, 2008
Present: Selectmen Harris, Willey and Jones, John Clifford, Kathy and Steve Adamson, Jane Gibbons, Frank Flint
Meeting was opened at 7 p.m. with the repetition of the Pledge of Alliance.
Minutes were approved for the Jan. 8th meeting.
D.J. Curtis was not present due to illness. Mr. Harris said that she requested information for the inside of the Town Report cover. A picture and history of the Trull Brook Bridge will be compiled. Mr. Willey will contact Tom Goodman of the Historical Society to get historical information.
The Selectmen went through the warrants presented by Fran Flint.
Refuse collector Stephen Adamson estimated a per week charge of $820.96 per week provided that the price of gas does not go above $3.25 per gallon. That figure includes recycling. Metal pickup and bulky waste pick up would be extra. It was suggested that bulky waste be picked up in late August or early September to take care of seasonal resident's bulky waste. Suggestions to be included in Town report: Containers should have lids. Rods that go through the handles would help to keep containers from blowing around. Boxes should be shoveled out after snow storms.
Tree Growth: No new money.
Budget Committee is busy at work
Knights Hill Road Compliance issue: No new progress.
Fire Station: No new report
Winter Roads: We need to know how much over budget we were this past year due to the December storms. The overcharges could be taken from Selectmen's Discretionary item. Mr. Clifford stated that he did not need the subscription to the roads magazine next year. A beam had been broken at the salt shed by the road contractor. Mr. Drew will repair.
Emergency Operation Plan is still being worked on by Mr. Willey.
New Roof Quotes: No new bids.
No other business.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Jane Gibbons, Clerk