Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Attended by Ted Harris, James Willey and Bill Jones.  Also in attendance were John Clifford, Warren Noble, Frances Flint, and DJ Curtis.

1.     OPENING:  The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

2.     MINUTES:   The Selectmen approved the minutes from the last meeting, December 11, 2007.

3.     WARRANT: The Selectmen tended to reviewing and approving the Warrant presented by Treasurer, Frances Flint.


a.      The Selectmen discussed the budget issues for 2008.  A problem with the Tree Growth revenue has occurred for 2006 and answers are needed for 2008 projection.  DJ explained the reduction in revenue with information received from the State of Maine, Town’s Assessor, Town’s Accountant and MMA.  The town’s assessor is working with State to determine the reason for the reduction. One problem is that the State overpaid the Town of Sweden by $10,000.00 in 2006 which was deducted from the 2007 payment.

b.     Budget articles were again reviewed and questions from Warren Noble, Chairman of Budget Committee were answered.

c.      The Selectmen voted to cancel the 1/1/08 meeting for New Years Day.

d.     The Selectmen will meet again on 1/8/08 at 6:00 pm to vote on warrant articles.

e.      It was noted that the Planning Board is expected to request an article to be put on the annual warrant.

f.      Gary MacDonald, Superintendent of Schools is expected to be at the 1/8/08 meeting to discuss school issues.

5.     OPENED MAIL and ADJOURNED the meeting at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,


Diana J Curtis

Administrative Assistant

(this meeting was taped)