Minutes of Board of Selectmen " Town of Sweden, Maine

December 11, 2007


Meeting was opened by Selectman Harris at 7:04 with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present were Selectmen Harris, Willey and Jones. Clerk Gibbons, Road Commissioner Clifford, Road contractor Drew and Treasurer Flint, Warren Noble.

Minutes of the Dec. 4 meeting were approved.

Waste Management Contractor Adamson did not show up to discuss anticipated new contract. Fran Flint had contacted him about attending this meeting. Jim Willey will call him again.

No work was done on Financial Issues as DJ Curtis could not be present. There was no report on back taxes although Fran is working on a list. Mr. Harris will work on the abatement form.

Tree Growth. After talking to the Assessors and Ms. Flint and contacting several state agencies, Ms. Curtis had called to say that the state will not be paying us what we expected for Tree Growth and will be short on Revenue reimbursements for 2007. This will leave the Town short a possible $25,000. Warren Noble asked if a comparison with other towns could be made concerning percentage payments by tax payers who own Tree Growth properties.

Warren Noble acting for the Budget Committee was present and asked that Ms. Curtis supply the ledgers including income and expenditures for 2007.

A final letter has gone out from the Lawyer to Judith Smith concerning the Knights Hill Road Property formerly owned by Mr. Jewett. She still has not signed the necessary documents.

Mr. Willey is still working on the Emergency Operation Plan.

A quote has been received from Galen Burke for the Town Meeting House Roof. It included putting felt over the existing shingles. $13,000 for an Imperial design roof, $18,000 for a ribbed standing seam roof. Questions were raised about the advantage of removing old shingles and about felt vs. Bituthene® (bitchathane). Other quotes are anticipated.

Ms. Gibbons stated that she hoped after the Holidays to make up a folder of information for people moving into town. Items to be included: information about rubbish pickup, recycling, Office hours and duties of clerk and treasurer, a map of major roads in town, the list of town officers and their phone numbers, a one page informational sheet from each of the following: the Volunteer Fire Department, the Historical Society and the Sweden Community Church with information about how new residents can get involved in Sweden activities.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk