Minutes of Board of Selectmen
Town of Sweden, Maine
December 4, 2007
The meeting was called to order by Selectman Harris with the Pledge of
Allegiance. Present were DJ Curtis, Jane Gibbons, clerk, Selectmen Harris, Willey, and Jones. The minutes of the November 27, 2008 meeting were approved.Mr. Adamson was not present as expected to discuss the future contract for
waste pick-up. Mr. Willey will contact him.Mr. Harris will contact Fran, treasurer, about unpaid taxes. Forms need to be
filled out concerning abatements.It was suggested that the picture on the front of the town report be the
repaired Trull Brook Bridge.There was no action on winter roads.
DJ has been in contact with the Budget Committee. It is hoped that they will
attend a Selectmen's meeting.Knights Hill Road Compliance Issue. The process is in limbo at this time as
Judith Smith has not signed the necessary documents. The lawyer is writing her another letter. Another alternative is to take the property for back taxes which is a long involved process.There is no new information from the Fire Station Building Committee. There is
no new information about the Brick School House or the Emergency Operation Plan. New roof quotes have been requested from Galen Burke, Scott Noble and Bob Wiser. No bids have been received.DJ has still not found out why there is a major discrepancy in the amount of
money expected from the state for Tree Growth and the amount received to date. She will try to contact the correct state agency when she finds out which agency it is.Meeting adjourned at 7:37.
Jane Gibbons, clerk