Minutes of Board of Selectmen " Town of Sweden, Maine

November 13, 2007


Present: Selectmen Harris, Willey and Jones, Road Commissioner Clifford, Road Contractor Rob Drew, Admin. Assistant DJ Curtis, Clerk Gibbons, Fire Chief Wayne Miller

Meeting was opened at 7 p.m. by Ted Harris and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Minutes of November 6 meeting were not ready to be approved.


DJ had a copy of the warrant for the Town Meeting. The date of Saturday, March 15th at nine a.m. was approved. 3-0. Clerk Gibbons was asked to check

Article 3 concerning Town Officers that need to be elected. Town Treasurer and Town Clerk are to be elected this year. Article 4 a, b, c, d, e, f, g and

h reflect an increase in salaries of 3.5%. Article 12 concerning Town Grounds and Bldg. Maintenance was increased $500 to help defray cost for cleaning of

the Office building and Town Meeting Hall. Wayne Miller asked for an increase of $800 in the Fire Department budget for a training academy. Article 13 was

revised to reflect that increase. Concerning Article 14, it was unclear as to whether the allotted money for the Fire Department Building Committee could be

carried over. Mr. Miller recommended that Article 15 concerning Emergency Management be the same although expenses will go up with the added expense of

gas. A question was raised concerning the wording of Article 31 concerning sale of property not taken as back taxes, but acquired by legal action. The

lawyer will be asked to look at the article. Article 35 concerning the application of taxes to oldest payments is decided by the Selectmen upon

request of the Treasurer. Article 36 allocates a sum to be saved for the time when all properties in town are reassessed. An additional article (37)

concerning the repair of the Town Meeting House roof will be added when bids are in. The Selectmen recommend taking $5000 from taxes and the rest from

surplus. An additional article is anticipated from the Fire Station Building Committee.


Roads: There is $1054 left in the summer roads account. Mr. Clifford recommended that it be used to remove leaves from culverts. Mr. Willey

reported that the Salt Shed is full and ready for winter storms. Mr. Drew stated that he had been trying to reach the Heather True, Project Manager,

Cumberland Country Soil and Water Conservation District concerning the road repairs. He wanted to do the Trull Brook area this year and it appeared that

another contractor would do the other two projects this fall.


Fire Station Status: A Preliminary design request is being sent to an engineer.


Emergency Operation Plan " Mr. Miller presented a booklet with a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan. Other towns are using the same plan as a model.

 He stated the it is necessary to have such an extensive plan in order to apply for grants such as the Fire Station and possibly, in the future, road grants

from FEMA. Mr. Harris moved adoption of the plan. Mr. Jones abstained, stating that he did not know enough about it to vote. Voted 2-0.


New Roof Quotes " Mr. Willey expected a quote to come in from Robert Wiser Nov. 15. The contract would include removal of the old shingles. More

information in needed about why this is recommended.


Due to the fact that Christmas falls on the normal time of the Selectmen's meeting, it was voted to hold three meetings in December as follows:

Dec. 4, 11, and 18. 3-0. Clerk Gibbons was asked to post signs to this effect.


The Planning Board (Julie McQueen) submitted a list of properties which are now to be listed as resource protection areas. This is a mandate of the

Environmental Protection Agency. The Town has no option but to accept these changes. It was also stated that the Assessor Dennis Berube of O™Donnell and

Associates of Auburn have flood plane maps.


Tom Goodman of the Historical Society requested that it be recorded that the Town Office now has a copy of the town's Incorporation Articles. These were

sent by the Maine Municipal Association. It is also stated that the Town does not have a Charter. It is so recorded in these minutes.

A request had come from the Brownfield Food Pantry to put a money collection box in the Town Office. They are in need of turkeys for Thanksgiving. This

was approved. 3-0.


Applications for scholarships were received and put on the literature rack.


The Selectmen briefly met in executive session concerning an application for concealed weapons permit.


Mail was opened.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk (Corrected Nov. 20, 2007)