Approved Minutes of Selectmen's Meeting - April 10, 2007 - Town of Sweden

The Meeting was called to order by Selectman Harris at 7:12 with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were the three Selectmen, Diane Curtis Administrator, Jane Gibbons, Clerk. Warren Noble and friend, Rob Drew, Wayne Miller.

Election May 1, 2007 - Jane with post notice Bridgton News to run April 19 and 26 for the New Suncook School Roof and Repair Bond Issue. Another notice will be sent in for May 29`h to be run May 16 and 23 for the May 29 School Budget Referendum

There is nothing new on the Census Information which will be requested this summer.

Polling Place Accessibility - The notice of deficiencies was given to Rob Drew who will submit a bid April 24.

MEMO Workman's Compensation Insurance - Selectman Jones had called Lovell and they said they don't have a plan. Many of the towns have this insurance through MMA. Mr. Harris will call MMA to inquire. Diane Curtis gave the name of Michelle Pelletier of MMA as the one who handles our other insurance needs.

Brick School House - No contact has been made in the past week with Mr. Dunning. Jane Gibbons reported that she had called Tom Goodman of the Historical Society and Shirley Crowe of the Church requesting volunteers to serve on a town center landscaping committee. Neither has told her who will serve from their organizations.

Liens on Properties - Fran Flint is working on a list. Warren Noble pointed out that there is a problem of taxes showing up in the annual report that have already been paid. He asked if liens have been removed when taxes are paid. Selectman Jones reported that Andrew Green (one of the longest outstanding tax statements) had been killed on one of the planes in NYC on 9/11. Mr. Harris will contact his widow about the back taxes.

There was discussion on helping Francis Flint with some of the more routine jobs so that she could concentrate on getting back taxes. D. Curbs suggested printing checks on the computer. The computer can calculate 1099 and W-2s. $150 would be needed for computerized checks. A payroll serving program would be $200. Fran would still write the warrant. Mr. Harris asked D. Curbs to write out a proposal.

Quote on Trull Brook Bridge - Mr. Willey has sent out 9 copies of the plans. The bids are due back May 8.

Cemeteries - Mr. Willey stated that he would be interested in mowing the cemeteries and will submit a statement at the next meeting.

Office Door - Mr. Willey stated that he had fixed it himself. He has also made a new door for the bulletin board outside the Town Meeting House.

Furnace cleaning - D. Curtis asked if the furnaces have been cleaned in the Office and Town Meeting House. No they have not and this should be done.

Signs & Bulletin Boards for office. Lane Lemiex made the sign for the Town Meeting House and might be contacted to make a sign indicating where the Office is. An old catalogue listed a wall mounted bulletin board for outside the Office building 48" x 36" at $255.

Wayne Miller reported that all the fire extinguishers have been checked. He reported that on April 24 from 5:30-6:30 there will be a training session for National Incident Management. One of the Selectmen is required to be trained. Jim Willey will be attending the session.

Workshops for Clerk - Two more workshop-training events were approved for Jane Gibbons' attendance - Records Management and Licensing, May 15 and May 23 respectively. Ms. Gibbons pointed out that with the two school board elections and three workshops in May she would be working many more hours per week than is allowed under the Labor Department rules. She will not be in the office on Tuesday, April 24 to attend the New Clerks Workshop in Augusta and Tuesday, May 15 to attend the Records Management Workshop in Portland. A question was raised concerning reimbursement for travel time and mileage. Ms. Gibbons has not submitted these for the workshops she has attended.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12.