Approved Minutes of Selectmen's Meeting - April 3, 2007 - Town of Sweden


Present: Selectmen Harris, Willey and Jones, Clerk Jane Gibbons

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Ted Harris. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Census: Materials from the US Census Bureau had been received and Mr. Harris has mailed back the forms. There will be a follow up in July asking the town for additional information.


Polling Place Accessibility Report: We have many deficiencies at the Town Meeting House. Jim Willey will get a quote from Rob Drew and an application will be made to the State for funds to help pay for the work.

MEMC Insurance. Bill Jones will talk to nearby towns to see what they have done to work up a plan.

Brick School House: The Penalty for the withdrawal of funds prematurely from the CD will probably be much higher than anticipated. Bob Dunning had said that there is drainage and brush cutting work that people from town might do.

Office Door: The door doesn't close properly and so exposes the office to illegal entry. Jim Willey will call Lenny Lavoie to have him look at it. If he is not available, Ted Harris will call Bill Centamore.

Town Bulletin Board: The right-side door came off again. Jim Willey has the door at home and is working on repairing it. This brought up the need for a bulletin board at the town office so that notices don't need to be posted on the door windows. An additional need is for a sign identifying the building as the Town Office. Jane and Fran are asked to work up a list of office items needed.

Landscaping Town Center: There may be funds available from the Department of Transportation for this project. Jane was asked to contact the Historical Committee and the Church to get representatives to serve on a committee. The committee would also have conservation commission representation. Jim Willey will ask Scot about funding availability.

Town-Owned Land: There is a 1 acre lot off of Knights Hill Road owned by the town which is land-locked.. Jim Willey will see who abutters are with the view to possible sale of the land.

Lien letters: Ted, Jane, Diana Curtis, Bill Jones, and Fran Flint met to become acquainted with the process concerning property liens for back owned taxes. D. J. Curtis will scan forms and print labels to assist Fran. Some of the oldest outstanding bills don't have addresses. Notices have come back undelivered. Ted Harris will call MMA to ask how one finds an address.


School District Referendum: Mr. Harris called the district superintendent's office to find out what Sweden's responsibilities will be for the $1.6 million bond project. They could not give figures now because the valuations which were supposed to be submitted in February have not come in to the district office. A rough estimate would be $67,000 or $13-14,000 a year for 5 years.


Trull Brook Bridge: The notice has appeared in the Portland, Lewiston, and Conway papers. Four inquiries have been received.

Cemeteries: No one has been found yet to do the mowing. Jim will ask Bobby Hill if he is interested.

Cleaning of Office: Previously Jane had contacted Theresa Roberts. Her estimate was for monthly cleaning. Jane was asked to contact her to see what she would charge to do it quarterly.

Roof on Town Hall: There are leaks in the Town Hall roof. Jim will contact Dave Emery and/or Bob Wiser to get an estimate.

Mr. Harris moved to adjourn the meeting. 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

Jane Gibbons, Clerk