Sweden's Bicentennial Sweden Days
Evans Hill Hike

The Town of Sweden celebrated its Bicentennial Summer during Sweden Days from
Thursday, August 8 through Sunday, August 11, 2013.


Three walks to historic sites were undertaken during Sweden Days:
Evans Hill Site (this page)
Goshen Cemetery
Sweden's Old City

Other events included:
The Town Talent Show
Potluck Supper and Contra Dance

The group assembled at the Sweden Town Meetinghouse to start off on the walk to the Evans Hill cellar hole.

The Evans Hill site was reached from the intersection of Goshen and Ledge Hill Roads. Note that the roads at this point are not maintained.

The remainder of the red track shown will be described in a separate page on old saw and grist mills on Keyes Brook (coming).

At the Evans Hill house site, the group listens to Peter Samuelson describing the past and current condition of the cellar hole. The mound in the middle of this photo is what remains of the center fireplace for the old residence. The large stones forming the foundation are visible in the background. Note bricks scattered throughout.

The center fireplace. The site has been cleared to the extent that the old foundation stones are now visible.

More views of the Evans foundation.

An outside wall of the house.

The foundation of the large barn located adjacent to the house.