May Day 2015 Sweden, Maine
This year the snow stayed around and around. It is gone now and everything is springing out.
For more pics and poetry of this day, go here.
Speckled alder (although I see an animal).

Beaked hazelnut

Pink female flowers and male catkins. Short male catkins form in the fall. In the spring, they bloom and expand to 4-6 cm in length.

Magnifications of the spring catkin (10x - 25x)

 My task now is to learn these various parts of the catkin.
Checkered rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera tessalata). I often see the more common rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera pubescens), which has much darker green leaves with very white veins.

This red trillium has taken advantage of being free of snow that covered it just a short time ago.

The skunk cabbage is so beautiful, it would like me to refer to it as a False Hellebore.

This may be a red-belted polypore

polypore was at the base of a white pine. It was so close to the bottom
that I couldn't get anything but the camera underneath to take a look.
I was surprised to find this when I downloaded my images.

Beautiful moss. On my list of a zillion things to learn to identify.

The magic rock.

How organic.

sarsaparilla deserves some attention. This is the 3rd year that
it has grown in about 1" of forest debris in the crevice of a rock. As shown in this shoot, it is a vigorous grower.

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