Sweden Fire Station Building Committee Meeting

August 14, 2007



MINUTES of the Sweden Fire Station Building Committee (SFSBC) regular meeting on Tuesday, August 14, at the Sweden Town Office.



Members: Julie McQueen, Wayne Miller, John P. Smith, Patrick Wood,

Public& Guests:  None

Absent:  Chairman Wolfgang Duve, Rob Slattery, Bill Morrisseau


These notes are not necessarily in the order in which things were discussed. They are loosely organized by topic.

Assignments from the August 14, 2007 meeting:

·        John Smith will bring a tape measure and some painter’s tape to the next meeting which will be held at the Town Meeting House. The committee will be working on laying out portions of the proposed building to see if the spaces that they have established are reasonable and practical for their intended uses.


Assignments from the July 24, 2007 meeting:

·        John Smith will contact Frank Carroll & Company for an approximate price on 1200 SY (at 4” depth) of paving.

*John received an approximate estimate from Frank Carroll who was very helpful and admitted that the project was too small for him at this time. He arrived at an approximate price of $24,000 - $25,000 without dirt work. Using current asphalt prices from the contractor who does the Town’s asphalt work; the price would actually be closer to the $16,000 to $17,000 range.

        The Committee will get together at the Bridgton Fire Station at a date to be determined to drive some fire trucks and do an analysis of how much turning area we will need.

- This has not been arranged as of the August 14th, 2007 meeting.

        The committee will make cutouts of the various components of the buildings so that we can experiment with different arrangements to suit the specific needs and limitations of the situation. 

* Julie made the cutouts and mounted them on foam board. The committee worked with them and arrived at what seems to be a reasonable arrangement of the various components. The committee considered issues such as the desired relationships between spaces, keeping the plumbing features fairly close together and other similar considerations.

        Wolfgang will bring a set of drafting tools to the next meeting.

* Wolfgang did not attend but Julie brought drafting tools.

        Wayne & Bill will complete the inventory (with the items from the meeting house storage area) and determine approximate types and quantities of storage required.

- As of the August 14th meeting this has not been done.




Assignments from the July 10, 2007 meeting:

·        Ted Harris to make an inquiry with Maine DOT regarding the acquisition/storage of excess fill.

- We have not received an update on this item as of the August 14th meeting.


Assignments from the June 12, 2007 meeting:

        Ron will get some information regarding the foam insulation for the committee files.

-        Ron is still pursuing the information.


Assignments from the May 22, 2007 meeting:

None remaining at this time.


Assignments from the May 8, 2007 meeting:

·        Wayne will also compile a list of what is at the Town Meeting House and in the storage unit in Bridgton.

- Julie has compiled an excel spreadsheet which includes all lists provided to her at this time

      and has sent them to everyone. It was discovered at the July 24th meeting that the items

      from the Meeting House have not been listed so we cannot complete our storage

      evaluation at this time. We are still waiting for this list.

·        Wayne will see Ken Richardson again next week and see if he can get the numbers on fuel consumption (gallons/year) and electrical consumption at the Denmark Fire Station.

* Wayne received the information requested from the Denmark Town Office. Last year’s fuel

      oil costs at the Denmark Fire Station were approximately $2,300 and the electricity costs

      were approximately $1,300 (we don’t know what time period includes, but assume that it

      is over the past year Aug. 2006 –Aug. 2007) 



·        Wayne Miller called the meeting to order at 9AM.

·        There was some discussion regarding the possible purchase of the remaining piece of property from Ellen Valle’s family. We will contact Wolfgang and ask him to approach First Selectman Ted Harris regarding the issue. A cost benefit analysis would have to be done to determine if the purchase of any additional property would be of any financial benefit to the Town.

·        The committee discussed the cost of paving. Using the 1200 SY figure established at the last meeting at a 4” depth; and the current price of asphalt ($62/Ton); paving this area would cost approximately $16, 400. This is by no means a final quantity or price and should not be considered as any more than a consideration when locating the building, etc.

·        The committee used the templates and worked on practical arrangement of the building to get proper relationships between the different components and to try to reduce the amount of space required.

·        It is desirable to have the following rooms accessible from the garage:


-Clean room

-Bath with shower


·        It is desirable to have the following rooms accessible from the meeting room:



·        In addition, the Mechanical room must be accessible from the outside only and we want to keep it as close to the existing Town Office parking lot as possible for access by oil suppliers, etc.

·        The committee has established a potential arrangement for the proposed building and will continue to work on fine tuning it at the next meeting.

·        The committee also discussed what the next steps are in his process.

1.      Complete the proposed layout.

2.      Establish a preliminary set of plans and specifications.

3.      Possibly hold a public meeting and invite potential architects and builders in order to get some idea as to what costs we can expect for the design and construction phases of the project. Obviously, the committee will need to give this some more thought and will solicit assistance from the Selectmen before pursuing anything along these lines.

Meeting adjourned @ 10:15 AM

The next Meeting will be held on Tuesday August 28, 2007 from 9:00 – 10:30 AM at the Town Meeting House.